Civil War II #3

Event\Storyline: Civil War II Writer: Brian Michael Bendis Artist: David Marquez Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: July 13, 2016 Cover Price: $4.99 Critic Reviews: 24 User Reviews: 47
6.3Critic Rating
6.1User Rating

This is the one everyone will be talking about! One of the biggest heroes in the Marvel Universe will fall! Who it is and how and why will divide fans for years to come. Will the heroes of the Marvel Universe survive the unthinkable happening? The fallout to this issue is enormous!

  • 10
    Project Fandom - Nina Perez Jul 22, 2016

    The back and forth of this issue was very effective in peeling back the layers of the story, and shots of heroes watching from various locations and glued to their TV screens are eerily similar to footage of people watching real world horrors unfold. It helped to capture the gravity of the situation and give the impression that nothing will ever be the same in the Marvel universe. Read Full Review

  • 10
    All-Comic - Jeremy Matcho Jul 14, 2016

    The hype was met in Civil War II #3. Even if you know what is coming, the way Bendis and company handle it will still surprise you. Were now past the point of calling this series a gimmick and actually waiting to see what happens next. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    411Mania - Rob Bonnette Jul 21, 2016

    This so far has been my favorite of the three issues of the event. It was riveting drama from start to finish, and now the stakes have been raised beyond a plot device of a casualty in James Rhodes from the first issue. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Jul 13, 2016

    I have to admit that I'm still not sure about this series - though I readily admit that may be because I didn't like the original Civil War mini-series. At all. (I loved the movie!) But this series has taken some interesting turns, and the final page teases some new twists that may provide new surprises. We'll see. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Fortress of Solitude - Rick Austin Jul 18, 2016

    Now go and read Civil War II #3, because keeping quiet about what happened to SPOILER is killing me… Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    AIPT - David Brooke Jul 13, 2016

    With a strong narrative hook utilizing a courtroom Bendis and Marquez manage to heighten the tensions that lead to the shocking turn of events. Strong dialogue is pervasive in this issue too and while you might not agree with how Marvel does things these days you can't argue this one will get you talking around the water cooler. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    PopMatters - Jack Fisher Jul 15, 2016

    Civil War II #3 succeeds in the most important part of any civil war. It draws the battle lines while establishing the merits of both sides. It also ends any possibility that this disagreement between Iron Man and Captain Marvel can end without someone getting punched in the jaw. Heroes are already choosing sides. Arguments are intensifying on message boards. This conflict is bound to get ugly, but Bendis makes sure it's a meaningful, relevant kind of ugly. Read Full Review

  • 7.2
    Comicsverse - Ben Wasserman Jul 15, 2016

    It's been three issues since the prologue comic, and we still haven't reached the breaking point in CIVIL WAR II that leads to all-out conflict. This, ironically, is theopposite problem that original CIVIL WAR comic suffered from, in which a philosophical debate/conflict was established from the very beginning but was constantly overshadowed by both sides beating each other up. There is still potential here, but its buried under anawkwardly-paced story that does little to providegenuine action and consequences for future installments. With the halfway point of this series fast approaching, a story with action and consequences is something that CIVIL WAR II desperately needs. Read Full Review

  • 7.1
    Black Nerd Problems - William Evans Jul 13, 2016

    Civil War II started off with a bang (and some controversy) but has done some wonky things since. And not moved much. Here's hoping the exposition phase is over (but judging by the last page, it doesn't seem like it) and we can get into some hero on hero action moving forward. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Heroes Direct - Adam Fitch Jul 13, 2016

    This comic looks as good as you'd expect from a huge event, but it's not stepping up to the occasion where it really matters: the story. The series is slowly building up and is promising improvement each month. Hopefully Bendis explores the interesting elements over the four remaining issues. Read Full Review

  • 6.3
    Weird Science - Jim Werner Jul 18, 2016

    Overall,  this book is worth a look, but I expected with a five dollar an issue price tag and the Civil War moniker a little more than the death and debate show that this has turned into at this point. I think some of the problem might be none of this has come off as a huge surprise, like it's supposed to be, mostly because of future solicitations and rampant spoilers but I'm hoping things turn around.   Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    The Source by SuperHeroStuff - Marc Buxton Jul 14, 2016

    Is this a good comic? While youre reading it, yes, yes it is. Will it remain a good comic? That depends on where Marvel goes next with Banner and Barton. In a year, this comic could be a well-executed turning point or an easily dismissed sales gimmick. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Newsarama - David Pepose Jul 13, 2016

    Civil War II #3 is a decent chapter of an event story that feels like plenty of other event stories. But as far as memorials go, it's unfortunately pretty forgettable fare. Read Full Review

  • 5.1
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Jul 13, 2016

    Civil War II looks every bit as good as you'd expect from Marvel's flagship event comic. Unfortunately, this series doesn't have nearly enough to offer beneath that gorgeous exterior. There's too much dialogue and exposition and not enough progress or dramatic weight to the story. Civil War II is exploring some interesting ideas, but it's going to have to do more than that over the remaining four chapters. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Henchman-4-Hire - Sean Ian Mills Jul 16, 2016

    This is the moment, my friends, where I stop caring. I can't promise it's permanent. I'm still going to keep reading Civil War II, if only to see where Bendis is going with this. And Marvel could do any number of things to get me back on board. But this issue, right here, is where I roll my eyes, hang my head and stop caring about any stunt Marvel tries to pull. I'm not angry. I'm not bitter. I'm"exhausted. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comic Book Revolution - Rokk Jul 13, 2016

    Civil War II #3 was another shallow, dull and repetitious read. There is very little in the way of actual substance for the reader to chew on with this issue. Civil War II continues to be a small and subdued big event. Honestly, readers can simply skip this issue and get Civil War II #4 and not miss any true plot progression at all. Nothing new was introduced in this issue. And the two existing plot lines were left in stasis during Civil War II #3. I would only recommend Civil War II #3 to die-hard Bendis fans. For everyone else? I have no idea why any other readers would want to spend $5 of their hard-earned money on Civil War II #3. A $5 cover price is extraordinary. And for such a steep price of admission I firmly expect plenty of quality substance. That is not the case with this issue. Civil War II #3 delivers the smallest bang for the buck that I have seen froma comic book in a long time. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Superior Spider-Talk - Doug Zawisza Jul 14, 2016

    David Marquez draws a lot of great looking panels in Civil War II #3, including the needless death of a Marvel icon as written by Brian Michael Bendis. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comicosity - Allen Thomas Jul 13, 2016

    Despite the storytelling, the art continues to excel and there are spectacular visuals. I dont know what this story will turn into, and Im not sure if the ramifications will actually matter. This event so far has been confusing and incongruence in many dimensions, but Im at least resolved to see it out. Read Full Review

  • 5.0 - John McCubbin Jul 15, 2016

    Civil War II #3 doesn't do much to improve the overall quality of this event, with the creative team needing to do something huge next time out to turn things around. That said the emotional toil and beautiful artwork did make this worth picking up, even if the event as a whole is rather frustrating to those that loved the original. Read Full Review

  • 4.5
    Nerds Unchained - Jeremy Radick Jul 14, 2016

    Civil War II #3 compounds the flaws of the series thus far, and I sadly don't see things improving anytime soon. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comics Bulletin - Chase Magnett Jul 16, 2016

    Civil War II #3 puts 5 pages of story in a 24 page comic, which leaves this "turning point" feeling just as weightless and inconsequential as you might expect. It's fine to look at, presenting the standard "superhero style" of the day with plenty of character dramatically posing. However, start to ponder on what you're actually looking at and you'll find it's a lot of refined filler covering a singular plot point. Try not to think about how much it cost after that realization. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Graphic Policy - Brett Jul 13, 2016

    In the end, what's the point of spending money to read a comic that has little more to say than what's already been spoiled by the publisher? Things may pivot from here and be redeemed, but I need to judge this one issue at a time. This is a hard pass. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    CourtOfNerds - Kevin Carley Jul 13, 2016

    This is the low point for me, on this series, which was pretty low to begin with. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Nerdist - Blair Marnell Jul 13, 2016

    Marquez does get a brief assist from artist Olivier Coipel for the flashback between Banner and Hawkeye, which gave the issue a foreboding undertone that the rest of the issue seemed to lack. Again, this is not the fault of Marquez. His artwork is easily the biggest draw for the book, aside from the shock value of seeing one of Marvel's biggest icons get murdered by another hero. Bendis wanted to get people talking about Civil War II, and he succeeded on that front. Read Full Review

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