@MrAnonymous's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: GoCollect Reviews: 2
7.5Avg. Review Rating

When this book is focusing on Otto trying to better Parker's life it really shines. When Otto has to interact with anyone who knows Peter, not so much. Characters are dumbed down in order to preserve the premise of Otto in Peter's body, which just makes me want to pull my hair out. The set up for future confrontations and finally allowing Otto to trip up as Parker are the only saving graces in this book's story. The art is not great, but it isn't terrible either. If you have the extra cash then go ahead and pick this up, you won't regret it too much. If you dcide to pass on this one, well you aren't missing too much anyway.

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With the rumors circulating that this may indeed be the end of the Ultimate comics line once and for all, it would be a disservice to yourself to not pick up this issue and in fact this entire mini series. I'm sure that even if this doesn't end the Ultimate universe, it will have lasting repercussions that you will want to witness first hand.

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