alexkrefetz's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Pop Culture Uncovered Reviews: 6
8.7Avg. Review Rating

While the book looks fun, it's hard for me to piece together what was actually going on from page to page. The characters seem interesting enough, but so much information is conveyed in such a small space. I think this is the first time I've ever seen the biographies of characters included on the cover, and it doesn't do much to help me remember their names much less their personalities and quirks. Kolins and Kindt have created a dynamic and interesting world, but it's more than a little confusing to understand what is happening here. Given a few issues, the team might have a more lighthearted take on sci-fi than some of its contempories.

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Ant-Man #1 is a solid start for an ongoingstory. It's only fault is being another super hero story with lighthearted and humorous tones at a company that has put out Hawkeye, Superior Foes of Spider-Man and Daredevil in the last few years. Even if it is similar to these other stories, it's still a great book I look forward to following.

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At three issues in, it may have been too risky for many series to have a side story. Bitch Planet #3 manages to pull it off well enough, though not to the caliber of the first two issues. That aside, the story of Penny Rolle is one that everyone should take the time to read. This issue is a great jumping on point for those who want to know the general thesis of this book " things are bad for women, and strong women will be the ones to make change.

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Bitch Planet is more than just a great comic. It's a platform for a discussion of feminism, where both the creators and the fans are valued contributors. I can't praise it enough, and encourage anyone interested in comics or feminism to pick up the first two issues as soon as possible.

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Southern Bastards is the book I read first every week it comes out. When the creators are able to make the issue leading to the finale feel as fresh as the first issue, it's clear a lot of time and thought went into producing the whole work. At only 7 issues in,Bastards has already built one of the most captivating worlds in comics today.

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Complimenting a great story is art from Terry Dodson and Jordie Bellaire. Dodson's art is simultaneously whispy and solid. I'e been a fan of his for a long time, and the Star Wars universe seems ripe with beautiful vistas, aliens and star ships for him to draw. Everything is both familiar and new to longtime fans " I've never seen Star Wars portrayed in a way like this. Bellaire's colors are also fantastic, with solid choices that help the art leap off the page. Overall, this may be my favorite of the Star Wars books so far; the only thing not fantastic is that this story will end in 3 more months.

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