Amy Lukac's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Comicsverse Reviews: 3
8.0Avg. Review Rating

Batman Beyond (2016) #1

Oct 30, 2016

BATMAN BEYOND #1 starts off as a wild story and will get you excited for the rest of the series. DC fans get to experience a younger Batman with a different personality (hispersonality reminded me a bit of young Spidey). Batman of the futurerealizes that he cannot mimic Bruce Wayne because he doesn't have as muchexperience under his utility belt. What Terry does have isa shocking planthat will get you stoked for this new storyline: going undercover as one of his enemies, a Joker,to get the job done. If you can't beat them, pretend to join them!

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Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers (2016) #11

Jan 19, 2017

MIGHTY MORPHIN POWER RANGERS #11 grabbed my attention from the beginning and held it until the end. I couldn't wait to find out where Billy and Tommy ended up.The situation that these rangers are in is more complicated than any they have dealt with before. How they get out of this mess is going to be fun to find out. The MIGHTY MORPHIN POWER RANGERS comics do a good job with setting the mystery and creating piles of questions in our minds. Go, go POWER RANGERS!

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Spirit Hunters #2

Dec 29, 2016

SPIRIT HUNTERS is basically ghost stories in comic form. I've heard many ghost stories, read them, and watched many scary movies, and this comic never came too close to freaking me out. My suggestion is to make the cases longer. One case shouldn't be solved in under 30 pages. The case in the first issue wasn't even solved, and the solutions to the second just came too quickly. Issue #2 should have been the continuationto #1, which eventually should lead to a solved case. THE BLOODY CARNIVAL should come after that and also take at least two issues. I don't enjoy mystery ghost stories when the solutions are handed to you on the next page. Like I mentioned before, if a carnival is the setting of your comic, you have endless options. This comic should be both fun and creepy. Carnivals are all about playing and getting freaked out in the funhouse. The writers should have played a little more.

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