Aron Clark's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Blue Raven Comics Reviews: 5
8.0Avg. Review Rating

Batman (2011) #19

May 10, 2013

In summary the art is consistent with Capullo and you won't be disappointed. Writing wise, Snyder's built a solid self-contained story but the real test to his followers is coming in the much talked about Zero Year coming to you next month!

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Chew (20090 #34

Jun 3, 2013

Chew is a must have on your pull list if you have not started reading it. If the studios ever make their way to this review they cannot say they were not warned: THIS is the comic you should be backing. It has all the makings of a fantastic animated series: It's funny, character-driven, suspenseful, and bloody fun"plenty for fans to munch on.

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Fatale #14

May 14, 2013

You want the cliff notes? "The female part is a bit underwritten" and can use a lot more heroics on Josephine's end. Who knows, maybe this is how she carries the curse: not just as a female but also as the most up-to-date carrier of the "Fatale" hex. Noir for the comic readers of the modern age is executed in the fashion of Phillips' previous works and we could not be more satisfied.

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Green Arrow (2011) #20

May 6, 2013

Writing could use some work but give it some time. Let's hope that there is a bigger picture ahead for Mr. Queen one that Lemire fans will be thoroughly impressed with once pieced together. If that doesn't keep you coming back the next round at least stay for the awesome fight scenes and surreal art that is only achieved by an artist whose got great perception and a colorists who wants to expand the palate of your vision.

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Regular Show #1

May 16, 2013

The rundown? This new all ages series is written very closely to the television series but can still be appreciated as a fun and easy comic for new readers, mind you, with some adult humor. In terms of the art the team has got a good opener with equal credit going to the artist, colorist, and letterer. This series will have you laughing so act now and make Regular Show a part of your regular pull!

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