Chaz King's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Front Towards Gamer Reviews: 5
8.1Avg. Review Rating

Dragon Age: Until We Sleep #1

Mar 27, 2013

With the slight imperfections in mind, Dargon Age: Until We Sleep is a worthy addition to the Dragon Age saga. It is as exciting and interesting as any of the main story lines. With the series' lead writer at the wheel it is clear why that is so. The artworkis beautiful and eye catching and portrays action magnificently. If you are interested in the characters or the fiction of the Dragon Age universe, you should give a thought to picking up Dragon Age: Until We Sleep, if only to keep an eye on Varric.

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Saga #12

Apr 11, 2013

Keeping in the grand tradition of always surprising me with the end of the issue and making me shake the book to see if anymore story falls out, Saga #12 makes a fine addition to the collection. With a few slight hiccups in the storytelling, which could just be me being dense, the story's good points far outweigh the bad. The story told felt a bit unnecessary at first but Vaughan managed to bring it back on point at the end. Staples's art provides the perfect visual accompaniment and sometimes explanation for Brain K. Vaughan's art. Pick up Saga #12 at a your local comic book shop, Apple certainly can't stop us from enjoying this satisfying read.

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Snapshot #1

Feb 17, 2013

I picked up Snapshot pretty much at random and I have to say I was pleasantly surprised. The story has a great hook in the beginning, and finishes strong with a twist cliffhanger at the end that left me with only guesses as to what may come next. There is still a small part of me that wished there was a bit more substance to the book, but I'm willing to give it the benefit of the doubt and hope that they are saving the meat for the next issues. The art, while it looks good, just doesn't do enough to get the right information across. That said the use of shadows in some scene is amazing and lends it a very sinister feel. Snapshot's unique and mentally muddling plot twists and entirely befuddling cliffhanger make this book very easy to recommend. I highly suggest that you go and get in on the ground floor of what is sure to be an entertaining mystery to solve.

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Son of Merlin #1

Feb 12, 2013

First issues have quite a hurdle to jump in terms of grabbing the readers attention. Though it has had a few hiccups, Son of Merlin has done a wonderful job making me care about what happens next. It will be interesting to see if they can fix some of the problems had with it in later issues. Good art mixed with a fantastic story premise definitely make Son of Merlin one to watch out for.

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The Manhattan Projects #9

Mar 4, 2013

Brave New World is another great issue in an amazingly bizarre and interesting series. If you are invested in The Manhattan Projects at all, its a given: you should read this issue. The art is superb, and in my opinion some of the best out there. The story, apart from theconvenientresolutions, continues to amaze and put my attention in a stranglehold thatdoesn'tlet up until the last page. The outcome of this issue left me wondering where this could possibly be headed, in a good way. The possibilities are literally endless. Pick The Manhattan Projects up if you haven't yet. And if you are up to date, strap in " this is going to be fun.

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