David Pinckney's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Comics Bulletin Reviews: 5
7.0Avg. Review Rating

If you haven't been reading Supergirl, then you are really missing out here. We're getting some really good and really intriguing stories that shouldn't be missed. When you get the chance, I highly recommend going into your local comic shop and start picking up this comic.

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Overall, the comic had several faults but I can't help feel that, considering the six-issue mini-series was pretty good, the ongoing will eventually find its groove. Until then, we just have to look on the brighter side of things and realize at the end of the day, it could have been worse.

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Now, it is unfortunate that Spencer is only doing this one issue, but if the arc continues like this issue did we are in for an insane ride. What was set-up in this issue begs for questions to be answered. If you like the series, you'll love the issue and if you've never picked up Supergirl before, then trust that this is a great place to start.

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It may seem like the bad outweighs the good in this issue, but really it's about even. Good use of dramatic scenes and seedlings of future plot combined with some awkward change of character goals and not so seamless transitions makes for this issue to be fairly basic. It's not horrible by any means what so ever and if you are a fan of the series like I am, you will find something to enjoy in this issue. What we have here is an issue that might just hold all the elements of change in it, which slows down the story, and it's not Kirkman's best, but if what this issue is what I think it is, the next few issues will be intense.

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It's a great issue. It's a lot of fun and the writing in it is top notch along with the artwork. The only part that really upsets me about this issue is that it is Sterling Gates' last issue of this amazing run of Supergirl.

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