Felix's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: But Why Tho? Reviews: 15
7.7Avg. Review Rating

Bang! #2

Mar 19, 2020

It's a good story so far, but I can see how some people can be turned off by it, especially if they are confused about what is happening and are not patient with what the creative team is trying to do. That being said, Kindt and Torres are crafting an interesting story with facsimiles of characters from American action movies and I want to see exactly what is going to be done with them. This strange story is worth a read.

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Bog Bodies OGN

Mar 27, 2020

Overall, I loved Bog Bodies. Well done by the entire creative team. It was a suspenseful tale about regret and trying too late do something right. It is a raw emotional story with great pacing and art throughout. When I finished reading it the word that came to mind, was "eerie." It sent a chill up my spine. It is one of the best graphic novels I have read in a long time

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Catalyst Prime: Seven Days #6

Mar 21, 2020

Even though I am not familiar with the characters or the universe it was a fun issue to read. It's a comic book series that reminds me of what got me into comic books in the first place. Just a bunch of superheroes slugging it out with bad guys and great art. I'm looking forward to the conclusion of this series and what Simone is planning for this universe in the future

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Edgar Allan Poe (Ahoy): Snifter of Terror Season Two #5

Feb 28, 2020

In Edgar Allen Poe's Snifter of Terror: Season 2 #5, is the reader getting horror stories in comic book form, but they are also getting short stories and a comic strip all-packed into a 32-page issue. Aside from that, I also like that the tone varies throughout, it's not just serious horror, we also get some humor.

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Hotell #1

Mar 13, 2020

Hotell #1 starts out strong but ends in a confusing manner. That being said, the surreal ending makes me want to read the next three issues to find out if any of the imagery at the end is explained through interconnected stories. Aside from that, I like the format the creative team is using for their story, which is a throwback to classic horror comic book series and shows like The Twilight Zone.So far there is a solid base that makes this issue worth a read.

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Killing Red Sonja #1

Mar 25, 2020

Overall, Russell and Ingman are telling a good story with plenty of humor. Kump and the humor are the highlights of the issue. The art might not appeal to a lot of readers, but maybe it helps to go into this series thinking about the fact that it is being told from the perspective of a child. Over time the artwork might grow on you, but if it doesn't you might still stick around for Kump. With that said, I look forward to reading more about Prince Cyril's quest for revenge.

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Red Border #1

Mar 16, 2020

As a Chicano/Mexican-American, I had to read this story with a grain of salt. When I see a story set in Mexico, especially if it's about the border or if it has Mexican/Latinx characters, I pretty much go in with the assumption that it's going to have Mexicans as criminals or it's going to represent Mexico as a place riddled with violence. I was right to a certain extent. However, it is a solid story so far other than a couple of missteps like the drug kingpin's intro scene with the sex worker. The story kept my interest and I'm looking forward to the next issue to find out what will happen to Karina, Eduardo, and Tito.

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Red Sonja & Vampirella Meet Betty & Veronica #10

Mar 28, 2020

When I come into a series likeRed Sonja and Vampirella Meet Betty and VeronicaI'm hopeful that it's going to be a lot of fun because these characters with different personalities interacting with each other might be a powder keg, or it might reveal that some of them have a few things in common. Sadly, there isn't any of that in this issue. As I said, this is a filler issue, and that is okay, but unfortunately, a story with characters that offer the potential for some great dialogue just felt flat.

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Red Sonja (2019) #15

Apr 2, 2020

I am now looking forward to more of Red Sonja's adventures from this creative team. It helps that they are inserting humor into the political drama and action. That and the fact that the main character's decisions will have repercussions for her and possibly her supporting cast later.

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Spawn #306

Mar 19, 2020

I can applaud a creative team for taking a risk and trying to provoke a specific reaction or feeling from their readers and then reaching this goal, but in the end, it all just felt too disjointed (even unintentionally at times). The story was okay and the artwork was good, but overall I felt perplexed while and after reading Spawn #306.One of the upsides is that if you're a long time Spawn fan, there's a very brief appearance by a character from the early years of the series, that will make some readers say, "holy crap!"

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Spy Island #1

Apr 19, 2020

Spy Island #1 is a strange spy story as of now. A whole lot doesn't happen in the issue but the writing is lively enough that the story breezes by, and it makes me look forward to the next installment.

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The Marked (2019) #4

Feb 8, 2020

Hine, Haberlin, Van Dyke and Takenaga have created a story with characters in a calamitous situation and it has piqued my interest enough to want to know how it ends.

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Vampirella / Red Sonja (2019) #6

Feb 13, 2020

Overall a good job by the team working in tandem to show the shifts in point of view and time.

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Vengeance of Vampirella #7

Apr 1, 2020

Overall, Vengeance of Vampirella#7 was really just okay as far as writing and art. I was not pulled into the story other than the moment when Mistress Nyx decides to teach her bosses a lesson. It's a story that is supposed to have major consequences for the human race, but it does not feel that way.

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Year Zero #1

Mar 30, 2020

Do yourself a favor if you pick up Year Zero issue #1, take the time to appreciate nuance throughout the issue, and the world-building taking place along with the effort by the creative team to make each character distinct from each other.

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