gordon's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: ComicBuzz Reviews: 20
7.5Avg. Review Rating

Atomic Robo: The Deadly Art of Science #1

Dec 2, 2010

Ill be checking it out though, along with some of those wonderfully titled back issues The Fighting Scientists of Tesladyne and if they all live up to that promise then Im in for an enjoyable couple of nights.

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Atomic Robo: The Deadly Art of Science #2

Dec 23, 2010

A good issue then, not a great one. If it doesn't quite live up to Episode One, then it also doesn't disgrace it either. I'm now waiting patiently for Episode Three and that virtual post it note telling me to look out those previous Robo issues has been moved to the top of the pile.

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Atomic Robo: The Deadly Art of Science #3

Feb 17, 2011

So there you have it, a packed and thoroughly enjoyable issue that moves the story forward in every way and will leave you keenly anticipating Episode Four. Writer Brian Clevenger provides an issue of style, humour (look out for Mr Tesla telling Robo that he thinks he should meet Helen's father) and charm. The artwork of Scott Wegener compliments it all perfectly, clean, crisp and stylized. Its bright colours bring to mind the great comic strips of the time.

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Atomic Robo: The Deadly Art of Science #4

Mar 9, 2011

Since I've become a fan of Atomic Robo, I've spoken to a few people and there is a huge amount of affection and regard for the title and its hero. The Deadly Art of Science demonstrates exactly why that is.

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Atomic Robo: The Deadly Art of Science #5

May 18, 2011

A hugely satisfying ending to what has been a massively entertaining five issues.

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First Law of Mad Science #1

Feb 17, 2011

A genuinely smart, thrilling opening Chapter. Science Fiction comic writing doesn't come much better than this.

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Hack / Slash: My First Maniac #1

Mar 9, 2011

That target audience may well enjoy Hack/Slash, but I doubt they are going to feel that it is a standout of its type. A hackneyed story, with a lack of wit and imagination, it will take more than a flash of Cassies underwear to make you come back for more.

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Mouse Guard: The Black Axe #1

Dec 23, 2010

As I said, I'm not a fan of this sort of thing, and I doubt I will go and search out the other Mouse Guard stories. I will, however, finish the Black Axe quest with Petersen and his mouse hero Celanawe and who knows"there is a chance they may convert me. If you read this then like me, the charm of the Mouse Guard universe will disarm you and immerse you. You will enjoy every moment you spend with Celanwe in his world.

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Nonplayer #1

Apr 19, 2011

A beautiful piece of work, Nonplayer's sumptuous world will seduce and disarm you. Amazing artwork with smart intelligent writing, this really is one to watch.

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Samurai and Dinosaurs #1

Mar 9, 2011

It's a shame that, what the creators no doubt thought was a cool idea, spoiled what could otherwise have been a very entertaining story. Perhaps they thought that the simpler story wasn't strong enough without something extra. They needn't have worried. The plot, characterisation and artwork all stand up more than well enough of on their own. There are also some great ideas in here too with Murphy and Calverts method of introducing the characters particularly notable. Each character gets a full page portrait and a few pages of flashback as a short biography. More proof of how good this book could have been. There was no need for gimmicks.

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The Darkness (2007) #87

Jan 18, 2011

The issue works very well as a one shot, telling a self contained story that still feeds into the arc of the bigger storyline. Tyne's character is as sympathetic as a multi murdering assassin's character can be, and there is a poignancy to the end of this book.

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The Pound #1

Apr 19, 2011

With an ending that leaves the story wide open, it could go anywhere at all, and that's what will bring you back. An interesting opening gambit, Issue One is well worth a read, especially if you're a werewolf fan. Even if you're not, you'll find this an enjoyable enough read.

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The Pound #2

Jun 6, 2011

Some nice scares, some nice humour (how to get a naked guy into the office when your boss catches you) combine to make a thoroughly enjoyable issue. If you've read Issue One, then you'll love Issue Two. If you haven't then you can pick the story up quickly enough to thoroughly enjoy this one.

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The Pound #3

Jul 2, 2011

If you've been following The Pound, this issue will only disappoint you, it won't put you off altogether. There's still some of the nice ideas here, and you will want to see how they tie it all up.

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Turf #4

Mar 9, 2011

So the threads are pulling together nicely and preparing us for what has the potential to be a cracking finale. Yes, there are still issues with the plot, but when a story comes as well written as Issue 4 is, then it won't matter. There is nothing wrong with telling a well worn story as long as you do something interesting with it. In Issue 4 that's exactly what happens.

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Turf #5

Jun 6, 2011

If youve stayed with Turf all the way from Issue One then youll find this ending to what has been an uneven series, enjoyable enough. It delivers a high octane and satisfying action packed ending. Dont think of the plot too much, just go with the flow.

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Witchblade (1995) #138

Dec 2, 2010

An enjoyable enough romp with some great artwork. It hasnt changed my mind on the whole swords and sorcery genre, but it wasnt time wasted.

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Witchblade (1995) #139

Dec 2, 2010

Not much happens in here though and it hardly moves the story arc on. Its a satisfying read on its own though and if youre new to the series an effective pause for catch up. Long term followers may be disappointed that two issues have passed and the story hasnt moved on. For a self contained issue that makes an emotional contact though this is a pretty good and poignant read.

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Witchblade (1995) #140

Jan 18, 2011

Lots of fun to be had here then, and if you're a fan of the aforementioned X Files or Dr Who perhaps then you'll lap this up. Even if you're not, this is still a very good issue indeed.

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Witchblade (1995) Annual #2

Jan 18, 2011

This review arrived too late to recommend having this added to your Christmas list, but if you got some bookstore vouchers over the festive season then this is as good a way to spend them as any.

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