Joe 'Cannoli' Natoli's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Hero Nuggets Reviews: 13
7.8Avg. Review Rating

All-New X-Men #21

Jan 17, 2014

All-New X-Men #21wraps up the short arc before the 'Trial of Jean Grey'.This is a great self-contained issue that catches you up on the arc, gives you all the necessary story and action, and then leaves you for the next arc. No cliff-hanger or BS ending. The story follows a religious anti-mutant zealot (William Stryker's son) as he struggles with his Daddy issues and wrestles with his blood-lust for mutant death against the butterfly effect. In the end, the book manages to remain neutral toward religion, adds a new member to the team, and has some fun action and dialog. Feel free to pick this up and enjoy!

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Justice League (2011) #27

Jan 22, 2014

Justice League #27 is an enjoyable tie-in, and an absolute must-read if you are following the event! A major character get's reintroduced, and some minor characters get their worlds rocked as well. The action is quick, but nicely executed, and the sentimental sections also serve the story well while revealing some DC universe secrets. If you are following the Forever Evil event, you already know you have to pick this up. If you aren't following it, it could be a decent place to jump in. It recaps enough where you might actually keep up with the story.

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Justice League (2011) #28

Feb 19, 2014

Justice League #28 is a break from Forever-Evil, used to introduce new readers to the Metal Men team. It's a very well done introduction, but could have been done in a few pages rather than an entire book. I was hoping for a bit more continuation of Cyborg 2.0 and what's actually happening in the Forever Evil world as we near the end. This could be a test for a new Metal Men series, so if you love the Metal Men you might want to pick this up, otherwise feel free to skim the review to learn about the team and then come back to Justice League next week.

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New Avengers (2013) #14

Feb 5, 2014

New Avengers #14is a great toe-dip into the 'Magical' realm of Marvel. The story manages to answer some questions about the Black Priests predicted by The Black Swan, while opening other doors of question about the Sinner's Market. Felt a little filleresque, showcasing the 'power' of these new enemies in too many pages while ignoring what our New Avengers are actually doing/planning. However, the Stranger the issue".the better.

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Revolutionary War (2014): Knights of Pendragon #1

Jan 30, 2014

Revolutionary War " Knights of Pendragon #01 delivers a story that is easily followed, even for those not well-versed in the UK side of Marvel. There are plenty of pop-culture references, sarcastic humor, and a story that felt complete with one issue. The War is just beginning to heat up, and it feels like Marvel UK could really make a comeback. You'll enjoy this issue more if you follow it with tea and crumpets. Otherwise, it'll be an entertaining look at what those crazy Brits have to offer in Marvel.

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Superior Foes of Spider-Man #6

Dec 12, 2013

'The Superior Foes of Spider-Man #6" rounds out this heist of the former Mob-Boss-Robot-Head arc with more visual gags and humorous dialogue than your abs can handle! I love seeing these street level villains attempting to just scrape by and is a favorite of mine in Marvel. The overall motif of this book keeps me coming back for humorous dialog and that simple, stylish art.

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Superior Foes of Spider-Man #7

Jan 2, 2014

The Superior Foes of Spider-Man #7 is a a rare treat. The art, dialog, and story mesh together so well that you will be sad when it ends so soon. Though she IS a Super Villain and it's sort of her thing, Janice will still manage to steal your heart with her good looks and witty dialog. I have no problem spending my money on this comic.

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Superman / Wonder Woman (2013) #3

Dec 13, 2013

'Superman/Wonder Woman #3" is a really great read. You would expect a title devoted to the relationship of two characters to be more romantic and cheesey, but Soule manages to find a really nice balance between action and romance. More importantly, the dialogue feels characteristically human, unlike most romantic comedies or action movies you would watch. The book loses a Nugget only because they don't explain the necessary backstory for new readers, like I had to. Something that is only really 2 issues deep shouldn't need explanations since more than likely new readers are jumping in, but this one requires some previous knowledge to fully enjoy.

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Swamp Thing (2011) #26

Dec 6, 2013

Co-Founder andBig Joe is constantly mistaken for a non-geek and more often than not is referred to as a male stripper. He is also afflicted with a constant angry look on his face that is usually hiding deep thoughts and romantic intentions. He is constantly reading a comic, editing sounds or finding new ways to bring you the esteemed Nugget content you enjoy. You can catch him over @CannoliNatoli. Feel free to make suggestions, comments and remarks to him about how handsome he is or things you would like to see on the site! Also" Iron First is his favorite.

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Uncanny Avengers #15

Dec 20, 2013

'Uncanny Avengers' has been a wishy-washy series (for me), but has finally reached a point that feels important. The book begins to set up the after effects of the deaths from the last issue and manages to take the stakes to an even greater level. Read this book separate from the other 616 books and witness a story in which the characters are dragged through sh*t and still fight the good Marvel fight.

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Uncanny Avengers #16

Jan 31, 2014

Uncanny Avengers #16 is everything you could ask for in a comic. Great action blended into a story delivery that flows from panel-to-panel. All of the characters are on point in their dialog delivery, which really immerses the reader. You'll finish this book so fast that your hot pocket won't even have time to cool off.

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Uncanny Avengers #16

Jan 31, 2014

Uncanny Avengers #16 is everything you could ask for in a comic. Great action blended into a story delivery that flows from panel-to-panel. All of the characters are on point in their dialog delivery, which really immerses the reader. You'll finish this book so fast that your hot pocket won't even have time to cool off.

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Wolverine (2013) #13

Jan 9, 2014

Wolverine #13 concludes the 'Killable' arc with a much needed twist for this over-used and washed-up character. Wolverine portrays emotion, airs his dirty laundry, and makes some changes to his character that even The Watcher takes note of. As a non-Wolverine fan, I am really glad that Cornell verbalized what I am sure everyone's thoughts were on Logan. He also manages to shake the cages a little. The future is exciting for Wolverine and it will be a crazy ride to the All-New Marvel Now! Issue #12.

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