Keven Skinner's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Fox Force Five News Reviews: 54
8.3Avg. Review Rating

I don't want to spoil anything, but there's a sequence that winds down #11 where Lemire once again bounces between the post-apocalyptic present and past to perfect effect and emotion. The similarities between this story and Old Man Logan are there for sure, and Lemire is writing that book now too, but what sets Bloodshot: Reborn apart from that series are these wonderful characters that are like no other superheroes I've read before. Valiant is doing superheroes better than any other publisher in my humble opinion. Buy the two previous Bloodshot: Reborn trades from Lemire and start The Analog Man on your pull list – today. It is worth it. So worth it.

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I didn't catch Grizzly Shark when it first came out" So I wasn't prepared for the onslaught of slapstick gore, brutal shark chomping violence and uncompromising dumb-fun that would transport me to a world of utter ridiculous brilliance in a one-sitting read

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Norgal is a wonderful leading characterand Head Lopper #1 was some of the most fun I've had with a single issue all year. It's hard to even refer to the Image Comics debut as simply one issue since it's technically a bundle of Maclean's previous Head Lopper releases but that's what we're calling it and I think that it's badass. If you like the TV series Vikings, sweeping action with a hint of Adventure Time tossed into the mix – Head Lopper is the comic for you friends. You may not be able to bag and board this Goliath of an issue properly but Head Lopper simply cannot be contained by such puny restraints.

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Vaughan's Hazel narration of issue 29 is such a tease too, teasing sacrifice for several panels while flashing back and forth to several life or death moments between all of our main cast. The effect was so racked with tension that I couldn't handle it. By the time we see what he means by ‘sacrifice' we're left reeling once again. Saga is the best comic book on the shelves today and one that should be read issue to issue because every single chapter is solid gold.

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The colors are gorgeous too, so props to Jordan Boyd on delivering there. Savage Things feels like classic Vertigo to me – back in the glory days of 100 Bullets and Preacher. There's just something so disturbing and magical about this concept that Jordan has come up with and I'm absolutely in love with it. What if – just what if – James Bond didn't just beat up the bad guy, but then he dissected him and wrote bloody messages all over the walls too? People, we have a genuine horror thriller for the ages with Savage Things. Don't miss it.

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Much of #3 is set-up and story after what could be considered two action-packed chapters but to be honest, I loved what may be considered the slowest issue yet — leaps and bounds above the other two — and those two were fucking fantastic. I refuse to spoil anything but the outcome of this chapter is so shocking and so well written that Squarriors has officially become one of my favorite series of the year right alongside Saga and Rat Queens. The final chapter of this first arc cannot come soon enough – if you aren't reading Squarriors I urge you to go to your local comic shop and place your orders immediately. It's time to support kick-ass creator-owned titles like this and it's time – right now. Amazing.

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The Goddamned is gritty, fast-paced and looks amazing. If you're a fan of classic series that aren't afraid to take religion through the ringer (example. Preacher) then go to your local comic shops and put this on your pull list immediately. It's hard to decide which debut was more impressive this year but The Goddamned issue 1 is right beside Tokyo Ghost issue 1 in terms of scope, writing and glorious visuals. Get it and embrace the biblical chaos.

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The way Adlard and Kirkman reveal the head and then directly below it, show a conversation between people back at Rick's camp asking where “so and so” is was one of the most brilliant moments I've yet to read in The Walking Dead. As we go down the line of severed heads, we know we're building towards something and by the final two we the readers are fucking put through the ringer. Issue 144 gave me that same uneasy feeling that I had while reading the epic 100th chapter And we all remember how that went.

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Tokyo Ghost was so well written, so well drawn and coloured (Matt Hollingsworth is too damn good and there's a reason he's featured on so many acclaimed books these days). The debut chapter of Tokyo Ghost is to comics whatMad Max Fury Road was to film this year. Non-stop chaos, astounding world building, strong characters and elevating the genre of science fiction. Perfect.

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The issue also ends in a shocker that truly baffled me and I'm officially hooked as We Stand on Guard looks like it will be one of the best series of the year. Easily. Artist Steve Skroce has been working on movie storyboards for years but I'm so happy he's returned to comics full-time because his style kicks ass. It's so crisp and it fits wonderfully with this book. Issue 1 has been my favorite single issue of any comic this year. It's beautiful.

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The gory conclusion was a fitting one but the last few panels were both goofy and unnerving in what could possibly be set-up of one terrifying sequel that will likely never see the light of day. Likely due to the fact that 98% of Riverdale is deceased. A minor hiccup. Archie VS Predator has been an unexpected delight of horror, comedy and spine tearing fun. The hardcover collection comes out this November so I urge you to pick it up so you can revisit the madness all over again.

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The pregnant angry ex is out racing helicopters as the police are shockingly calm about the whole woman with wings and battle sword thing. Andrei Bressan is an amazing talent and his panel of the chopper takedown was wicked but its the final page that truly stands out. Next issue is going to be one hell of a fight and a terrific reminder that when hunting wildlife, make sure you eat all of the animal. All of it for the love of god.

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Birthright continues to be such an original and awe-inspiring piece of fantasy work and issue 11 is the beginning of yet another promising arc that I can't wait to see unfold. What a helluva way to kick it off.

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Butch Guice's art has been terrific since taking over and really adds a different perspectiveinto these characters, all of whom I've grown to like — which makes the conclusion of this issue all the more shocking. Wait a minute – does that mean someone winds up dead? Maybe. I can tell you one thing, Bloodshot Reborn is literally firing on all cylinders and it's truly my favorite Valiant title. And Valiant Comics has had one helluva year with a truly wonderful catalogue of dark and gritty hero books that should make the big two re-think how they approach their combined universes without sacrificing stand-alone series content.

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What comes next however " is truly shocking, confusing and absolutely unexpected. I'm not sure what the hell is going to come in future issues in light of what happened here but I have absolute faith in Miller and Azzarello. They've done a helluva job with the beginning of the end.

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Mark Hamill has his OWN segment in here. That alone is a win. The screen test was fascinating to see how early on Gustin was destined to become this character (screw anyone else thinking they can play The Flash in another adaptation….). The fact that they included the 2014 Comic-Con panel that not only had The Flash, but Gotham, Constantine and Arrow as well is cool. If you were worried that having a packagewith over 20 episodes would skimp out on the bonus features then fret no more fellows – The Flash delivers here, making this collectionone of the best of the year so far in terms of television releases.

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As we wind down, Outcast sets up the conclusion of it's second six-issue arc with one of the most disturbing few pages of any comic that I've read all year. Let's just say I'm going to be weary if my daughter wakes me up in the middle of the night insisting that there's a dog in the house… Holy shit.

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We catch up with No and his group after the savage attack on the compound which seems like forever ago after becoming acquainted with this new crew of feral children and of course their paths eventually collide in what could be one of the most incredible story arcs of the year. There is a lot of potential here for greatness and I'm already sold with issue 8. Spread is a violent and engrossing series hellbent on pushing boundaries in both story and art.

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Justin Jordan's violent and horrific post apocalyptic world of Spread continues to impress me. From surprisingly layered characters like Jack to the brutal and monstrous Spread, this comic series continues to hook me at every turn.

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The next step in this tale looks to be an area called The Sanctuary. I'm excited to see what's in store next for the world of Spread as Jordan and Strahm have been firing on all cylinders to make this series one of the finestImage comic titles in years. It's gritty, fascinating and surprising. Everything a fan of post-apocalyptic horror would want.

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Why is that baby in our current timeline so important to Molly? Why will she do whatever it takes to protect this child from raiders and monsters? You will come to understand why at the end of this chapter. Is this a hard comic to read? Yes it is. But it's entirely gripping – I couldn't catch a breath during the final panels because I was so entrenched in the moment. Which is why the ending is even harder to come to terms with… I will likely never read issue #12 again, because it's incredibly depressing. That being said – it was also incredibly moving and just one more reason to love Image Comics' Spread.

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Squarriors isn't a good vs evil series: both sides have their reasons for fighting these battles and I love that approach to this tale. As always Ashley Witter's art is among the best work of the year. The action showcased in this chapter is the most brutal and shockingof the series thus far and there's a moment where someone rips off a foe's head and proceeds to wear it like a hat. There's some deeply disturbing shit going on in Squarriors and I like it.

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Squarriors is amazing to look at and so much so that you forget that there's an equally as sharp story being woven on a scale that rivals war series like Game of Thrones and Vikings.

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And yet our leading man is sucked into a mortal's plight to find her child Lodo, so he challenges an entire army of bloodthirsty maniacs to save him. (Noah and his men by the way are savages who are hoarding terrifying lions and beasts to put on a giant boat – this ain't your grandfather's Noah my child – this is Jason Aaron's Noah and he's a dick). By the end of our final chapter in this debut and chaotic new series, we will be taken back and asking ourselves “why?” – very much thrust into Cain's extremely skeptic point of view. I liked the twist, even though I was disgusted, but I think it's appropriate given the very climate of our world right now anyway. I'm fascinated at where Aaron and Guera will take us next and which parts of Christian mythology they'll put their extremely edgy stamp on. The Goddamned is a stunning, gore-soaked thrill ridethat isn't afraid to challenge religion head on and make us like it.

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Charlie Adlard is drawing some great zombies once again in this issue and Kirkman seems to be gearing up quickly for something major.

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Vaughan is doing a brilliant job unravelling 2015's most entertaining new series only two issues deep and even though he slows the pace down “ever so slightly”, he still manages to shock the ever loving shit out of us with a powerful ending that came right outta freaking left field. I don't know what this ‘basement' is, but those damn Yanks sound creepy as all hell when they send us poor Knucks down to it…

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Steve Skroce's art continues to kick all kinds of epic ass and apparently next issue will feature one of the best action sequences ever drawn for a comic if you can believe what Vaughan is hinting at in this issue's letter column. I cannot wait.

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The final story confused me a little. But that's OK. There's a little something in here for every Bloodshot fan. I didn't expect to be as moved as I was and I sure didn't expect to laugh at the adventures of that adorable little bastard Bloodsquirt, but I damn sure did. Once again Valiant delivers and I highly recommend you grab this over-sized issue and if you haven't begun Lemire's run on Bloodshot Reborn " there's still time before Bloodshot Island strikes this year.

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Lucas Stand as a series will likely draw comparisons to Hellblazer (Constantine), Doctor Who (time travel duh) and maybe even newer comicslike Outcast. However, because of the unique world building, where humans are recruited in the afterlife to wage almost a cold war spy vs spy game between angels and demons, Sutter's Lucas Stand is definitely something special and uniquely it's own. We have time travel, nazis, demons, angels, cool weapons, a coke snorting anti-hero, badass art and action sequences to pull it altogether.

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The final page isnt a shocker per-say but its certainly disturbing. Manifest Destiny does a great job with last pages (remember the mosquitos? Yeeeeeesh) and Im surprised at how well theyve kept up the pace and still managed to jampack so many unique story arcs and monster types in just 15 issues. But that bird though I love him more bird please Dingess dont kill it, we need it.

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Roberts' style is amazing – the way he draws the monsters of this series is unlike any other book on shelves. Everything is so unique and original… From the plant zombies of earlier issues which could have come across as more of the same but in no way did, to the ‘vameter' of today, every single beast in no way feels recycled. That vameter thing is terrifying – for the love of god it pops off the heads of it's victims and inserts them onto it's own body. Roberts had to draw that…. You should be reading Manifest Destiny – it's how I get my American History lessons… They areaccurate right?

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Lemire is one of my favorite writers right now, with his work on Bloodshot Reborn and now Old Man Logan, he's doing some of the best work that I've seen from him and he's doing it with hero books. I'm not usually too fond with hero titles and in fact – Lemire is actively writing the only two that are on my pull list. That's not a coincidence. Old Man Logan's mission to prevent the horrifying future that he once endured is such a smart and exciting storyline to take readers on and I can't wait to see what happens next.

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It's heart-breaking stuff here as Kirkman really turns on the emotions to a boiling point and this is probably the saddest moment of the series thus far. For a transitional or set-up issue before the action kicks in, Outcast #10 was really well executed and this series continues to impress and hook me in emotionally.

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Just for fun remember how Kirkman joked that aliens were going to be behind the zombie apocalypse in Walking Dead when he pitched the series to Image? You know how aliens are allergic or can be killed by water in that awful movie ‘Signs'? What if Just what if the possessed people aren't taken by satanic spirits BUT ALIENS! Mic drop, Kirkman walks off the stage and the readers sit there stunned, pissed and super confused.

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With as much action as issue 13 has within it's rapidly paced content, we're also progressing towards something else disturbing as well. Cause why not? A character's life hangs in the balance after what could be a fatal wound and that man in black is scarier than ever…. With the next issue being titled “Get behind me Satan” — I cannot wait to see what happens next. Outcast is mysterious, gripping and at times I find myself puzzled and angry that Kirkman is being such a damn tease with everything, but with the series being so entertaining and well written I just have to suck it up and enjoy the demonic ride.

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One of my favorite characters is brutally murdered in this finale (fans know that we have to wait a few months for the next arc to fire up with issue #31). I knew it was coming – it was set up – but that still doesn't mean it didn't sting. It stung so bad. The final few pages do that time jump thing again too so it looks like the immediate fallout from this frenzied chapter won't be directly explored when Saga comes back, and I'm actually thankful for that. Issue #30 shoehorned in maybe a little too much stuff in the last few pages but it's probably for the best when we get rolling later on… At least that's what I'm hoping for.

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With the next issue focusing on Hazel's parents, I'm curious in which direction this arc will go — so far — we're off to a great start. But did you really expect anything less from the best writer/artist duo in comics today?

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I'm excited at the prospect of Prince Robot no longer being royalty (sorry for the minor spoiler but it didn't matter – trust me) and I can't wait to see more of his interactions with our main cast in future issues. I'm happy that Vaughan decided to keep this character around and not vanquish him at the end of the third arc like many thought he would be. Saga continues to be weird, funny, awesome and not give any shits whatsoever about who it offends. For that – I am thankful that a comic this good continues to be great this many issues in with no signs of slowing down.

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There's a great campfire sequence where Molly quickly has a one-panel flashback into her past and I wanted immediately to expand upon that so bad. I'm hoping and assuming Jordan will further explore her backstory before Spread comes to it's conclusion someday. This story and world is violent, bleak but even in the most vile of characters in Spread — I'm feeling invested in each of them. It still boggles my mind that this giant gross cannibal has taken the lead in Spread and the series still works so well. Jordan is messing with the formula here and killing it with this must-read comic.

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Each of our characters in Spread has had a sympathetic background thus far, including the Spread preacher for shit sakes. Jordan's wild and twisted post-apocalyptic tale has so many wonderful characters in it and each of them are ripe for backstory exploration. Jack is one of the most fascinating comic book characters in some time. It's not often that someone turns a seemingly one-sided villain, who gleefully eats people by the way, into a lovable bastard.

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For being another set-up chapter, issue 143 still does a great job building tension and if the last couple pages are any indication coupled with Kirkman's comments in the letter section – shit is about to get serious in 144 right before SDCC 2015. The Whisperers are not the idle threat I thought they were initially.

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Issue 148 comes to a close with one of the coolest final pages in quite some time as Rick appears to be resorting to one of the most desperate pleas for help in the history of The Walking Dead. Fuck yeah.

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Issues one and two were HEAVY on the Bladerunner side of backdrops while issue three really dials up just how detailed Murphy can get when you add vegetation into the mix. Tokyo Ghost is without a doubt the most beautifully drawn comic series of 2015 and issue three is just as stunning as the first two even without having as many complexities in the background. I'm not so sure that story-wise issue #3 was as strong as the first two, but the bar was raised so high at the start that even a magical issue such as this would have trouble stacking up to it. Tokyo Ghost continues to stun me month after month and artist Sean Murphy has quickly become one of my favourites with the amount of work he's done here.

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We Stand on Guard has been a blast. It wasn't necessarily what I expected after the debut issue, but that's not a bad thing per-say, it's just “different”. The tone, the pacing, the actual battles themselves have all been unique when compared to any other book on shelves right now. Skroce's art is definitely the standout factor here and the look of this comic is brilliant, hearkening back to a style of work from the likes of Geof Darrow. I don't know how this series will conclude but it won't be pretty and for that – I'm thankful.

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Issue #3 wasnt as exciting as the previous chapter, but it looks like the next one is going to be bonkers. I dont know who is still alive at this point but by the end of this thing we may be looking at a Riverdale with a population of 1.

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I find that due to the diversity of this collection that finding one audience of readers will prove to be a difficult task for Renegade Arts Entertainment, but I also applaud them for taking the risk. More comic companies should be willing to go the distance and take a shot, because collections like Arctic Comics really should have their chance to be seen and read – otherwise the world will never discover such fascinating and truly unique works such as this.

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Most of this chapter is grief and rage which I have no doubt will continue forward into issue 146 as Rick takes news back to Alexandria of how even more people just lost their friends and family to a group of skin wearing psychopaths. Eugene and Rosita were trying to build a family together — that dude is going to be crushed… I'm assuming Rick will propose that his camp will have to sit on this awful news because he's well aware that if he retaliates now — that huge ass herd of walkers will stomp that ass. Hard. Alpha and the whisperers are by far the biggest threat that Rick has ever faced because up until now — walkers were an uncontrollable element amidst the battle between human survivors. But now — they're a weapon that can be pointed any which way Alpha chooses.

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The dialogue from Eugene to end the chapter was especially satisfying and it poses some interesting options for upcoming issues. This war with the whisperers isn't going to be “All Out” like it was with Negan and the Saviors. I'm predicting some small and nasty concentrated conflict between the two groups at first and if Eugene's plan is any indication it's going to lead to some extremely uncomfortable moments between Carl and his pops.

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Archie Vs Sharknado was almost TOO goofy for its own good and that's saying something. However, I will admit that I still had fun reading it (it didn't even need to be 48 pages, I could have settled for a shorter story). I haven't seen any of the Sharknado films and I never plan to, so I'll settle for this being my one-time experience for now. If I had issues reading a short and silly comic book with that theme, I can't imagine sitting through an entire feature length film, let alone three of them.

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I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little bored as of late, but that's because the series is still trying to recover from the traumatic deaths from a while back. By the end of 147 I think we're back into the good shit however and I'm hoping Eugene will get some of his vengeance " that dude doesn't get a break and he deserves it. Plus I hate that dumbass Lydia. There I said it.

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The cover promised something that wasn't delivered and I think that pissed me off more than anything. I wanted robot wolf vs the real deal dammit. That cover is one of the coolest of the year and it wound up being the best part of this issue. We Stand on Guard is winding down with only two issues remaining and I'm not so sure all the questions have enough time to be answered in regards to the backstory of the USA vs Canada cause of war. It's going to be one helluva finale regardless of that however and I'm looking forward to it. Death to America! I take that back….

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Because of the results regarding the All Out War event, we now are left with too many interesting characters and not enough time to do anything ultimately that interesting story-wise with most of them, which leads to way too many slow-moving chapters such as this. Kirkman should have killed a few more in order to get us back to that headspace where we can care about these people. At this point Im starting to not care for any of them except Negan and hes the psychopath in lockup. Its because hes the only one who has a clear goal freedom. Everyone else is so comfortable that Ive grown tired of giving a shit what happens to them, whereas the maniac who is in a cage in Ricks basement has something to work towards. Either free Negan, or let those dickhead whisperers cull the herd a little more. Thank you please.

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I get it now this Old Man Logan run is the transitional series before he fires up yet another new, but ongoing run led by writer Jeff Lemire. I'm actually looking forward to that in spite of being annoyed so far by three lackluster issues. I loved Lemire's Animal Man when he made the reboot over at DC a few years ago so I know he'll do justice with Old Man Logan in October. I'm just pissed off that I had to have the Secret Wars shoved down my throat when I've been trying to avoid the entire situation.

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I'm extremely disappointed in the storyline thus far for Old Man Logan and issue 2 is far worse than the lackluster debut. Like I said earlier though – if all of this confusing bullshit is because of the current cross-over event, then it only reaffirms that the majority of Marvel and DC books just aren't for me because they wind up sacrificing story for appeasing the brand.

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Reviews for the Week of...



