Mair Sierra's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Comicsverse Reviews: 7
9.3Avg. Review Rating

Kate Leth proves herself to be a great writer in this series, using comedy to win over new fans of Hellcat with this brilliant story. Featuring an all-star superhero supporting cast is also smart because it not only makes the story fun, but also helps reintroduce readers to other amazing characters in the Marvel Universe. These lovable characters help readers get into PATSY WALKER A.K.A. HELLCAT! Although the pacing of the story has slowed down a bit in the last few issues, it's helped readers catch up on the progress of Patsy Walker's personal life aside from crime fighting and job hunting, of course. I'm sure highlighting Hellcat's personal growth now in these issues will make room for more action in the next one!

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Image Comics has been killing it lately with newer titles, and CRY HAVOC is definitely a series you don't want to miss out on. It hits the nail on the head with creating a dynamic story and capturing relatable themes such as depression in a unique, fantasy-driven comic book.

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If you've been taken captive and are in awe of the story so far, I highly recommendgrabbing #4 when you can. For anyone interested in the story, just like I was prior to this review, pick it up and become immersed.

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Even though the latest issues of SAGA have a slower pace compared to earlier issues, Staples and Vaughan have made up for it in character development. The impact of these issues certainly leave readers yearning for the reunion of the cast in the near future. With that said, SAGA lives up to its name"and all we can expect is an epic saga of heroism, romance, friendship, and adventure in this space opera.

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SLASH & BURN is quickly becoming one of my favorite new comics this year after being utterly blown away by how strong a presentation these first few issues have been. I can't express how stoked I am for the next issue, only because I know this book isn't holding back and seems to have plans to burn down any excuse comic book fans might have for not picking it up yet.

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Although this reads as a playful comic book with its art and plot, it's one to take seriously because of its themes. As I mentioned, Hellcat and Telekinian face problems a lot of readers in their mid-twenties, including myself, can find relatable: job hunting, apartment searching, and avoiding all mentions of the past. Somehow, though, Leth, Williams, and Wilson have successfully done it in a way where we can laugh about it as Patsy and as ourselves.

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All I can foretell is that the cast has a lot of severed ties and loose ends to mend in the galaxy. From Hazel needing to hide her wings away from everyone in the detainment center for her safety to what lies ahead for Prince Robot and his son, there are definitely no guarantees lying ahead for anyone.

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