Maria Selke's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: The Fandom Post Reviews: 29
9.1Avg. Review Rating

A Game of Thrones #4

Jan 17, 2012

If you are new to the tale, jump back and pick it up at issue #1. The Dynamite website also notes that the first volume hardcover will be out in March, which will include the first six issues. With all the buzz about The Game of Thrones going on right now, you owe it to yourself to check out the tale. This adaptation is a wonderful way to get into the game. After all, "winter is coming". You need to be ready.

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Alabaster: Wolves #1

Apr 19, 2012

I'm still fairly new to reading comics, but this first issue of Alabaster really struck me as a wonderful, unique start to a series. I love everything about it. The art is eerie, with both the level of detail and the coloring blending perfectly to create that creepy feel. The writing style has a definite flair, making it stand out among the comics that I am reading. I picked up this comic because of the buzz about it, and I'm extremely happy that I did. I have to say that I am completely hooked, and this is a series I am eagerly anticipating continuing to read.

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Angel & Faith Season 9 #1

Sep 26, 2011

This was a fabulous start to the series, and I love the fact that it will run in parallel to Buffy season 9. Even if you missed out on the events of Buffy's season 8 run, though, you will be able to pick up and enjoy this comic. There is enough backstory filled in to keep you from confusion, and you'll love the story.

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Angel & Faith Season 9 #2

Sep 26, 2011

The second installment of the Angel and Faith series is well paced and entertaining. I enjoyed the mix of dark humor, action, and introspection. The nature of the mysterious goo is revealed, which sets the stage for an important part of the story arc. I adored the continued presence of Giles, through well written flashbacks. My interest is building in the creepy Pearl and Nash, and I'm hoping for more revelations about them next month. My excitement over the events in this series keeps growing. Definitely a great read, and a series to watch!

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Angel & Faith Season 9 #3

Oct 25, 2011

If you aren't already invested in this series, this issue may not have enough to get you to come back. If you are already hooked, as I am, this is a solid issue that continues the plot movement and makes you eager to find out what happens next.

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Angel & Faith Season 9 #4

Nov 30, 2011

Though the arc is concluded, I was left with some strong hooks to draw me into the new arc. What, exactly, are Pearl and Nash really up to? How will Angel and Faith move forward as a team? Will we get more amazing Giles flashbacks? I'm thoroughly enjoying this comic, and I'm excited to find out what the next arc will bring!

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Angel & Faith Season 9 #5

Dec 28, 2011

Don't get me wrong, though. While I enjoyed this light tale, I'm really looking forward to the return of the "big bad nasties" of Pearl and Nash and their mysterious purposes. I'm looking forward to seeing the promised visit in the next issue of a "friend and foe" from the past. I'm dying for more Giles flashbacks. Keep it coming, team!

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Angel & Faith Season 9 #6

Jan 25, 2012

All of the stories and images are meshed together with great skill. The cuts back and forth flow well, blending into one another beautifully as well as moving each piece of the story along at a nice pace. My favorite part of the start of the issue is a nod to Hitchhiker's Guide. I do love the pop culture references that always show up in the Buffyverse stories. With a new demon to chase and the ghosts of their past coming back into their lives, this really is a great place to jump into the fray. When you add in the fabulous flashback bringing new insights into the story of Giles' past, it's an issue not to be missed.

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Angel & Faith Season 9 #7

Feb 29, 2012

Overall, this was a great issue with a lot of information to share. It did a wonderful job setting up the next crop of problems for Angel and Faith to solve. I greeted the return of one of my favorite crazy vampires with jubilation. Drusilla is a ton of fun" and who knows just where she is headed next? The surprise with regards to Angel's plans for resurrecting Giles has me ready to settle in for another amazing arc, and Faith's father promises to provide his own interesting twists and turns. Angel and Faith continues to be one of my favorite monthly reads.

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Angel & Faith Season 9 #8

Apr 16, 2012

Angel and Faith continues to be one of my favorite monthly comics. With great pacing, a well-developed team dynamic, and amazing art from Rebekah Isaacs, I look forward to each and every issue. This issue was action packed with a side of excellent character development, especially Faith. The only drawback of the last few issues is the fact that I keep waiting for the return of Pearl and Nash. Bring back the big baddies, already! The dramatic ending makes me wish the next issue was already here, though, and for that I give his issue a full score.

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Angel & Faith Season 9 #11

Jul 13, 2012

If you were looking for a great jumping in point for Angel and Faith; this is it. This issue marks the beginning of a new arc, and gives just enough references to past events to get anyone caught up. Along with the start of a new major plot line, we are treated to the return of several well-loved characters from the past. While the story is a little light on action this month, the dialogue is sharp, and the characters are well developed. We are left with a well-defined problem to be solved and the promise of continued humor and a pick-up in the action level on the horizon. I'm already looking forward to the rest of this journey!

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Angel & Faith Season 9 #12

Aug 8, 2012

From the very first page, with the panel of the team clustered together at the top of the page, I was sucked into the adventure. This was a perfect mix of action, surprises, and wonderful character building. As much as I've loved the arcs that lead up to this one, I am beginning to think this may be my favorite one yet. The addition of Willow and Connor to the team and the surprises they encounter on Quar'toth were the perfect choices. They reveal more about the characters of Angel and Faith, and bring their own talents and humor to the party. This is the world I love the most. A world of dangers, of relationships that are filled with difficulty and yet built on trust, and of the optimism to believe that the world can always be a better place than it is today.

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Angel & Faith Season 9 #14

Nov 14, 2012

Once again, the creators of Angel and Faith have delivered an amazing story arc. This issue wrapped up the story of the trip to Quor'toth brilliantly. The art was stellar, as I've come to expect with this team. There was plenty of action combined with emotionally satisfying interactions between the team members. The themes of teamwork, supporting the ones you care about even when you can't completely forgive their mistakes, and family resonated throughout the storyline. All of these things are the reasons why Angel and Faith is one of my favorite reads every month.

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 9 #1

Sep 13, 2011

Overall, I loved this first taste of season 9. As a huge Buffy fan, but one who only recently discovered the Dark Horse continuation of her tale, I'm excited that I got myself caught up with season 8 in time to jump on board for this season. My biggest complaint – having to wait for the next one!

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 9 #2

Oct 7, 2011

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 9 #3

Nov 8, 2011

Amazing and marvelous – this is the type of story I've been hoping to see! I'm pretty sure I had a dopey grin on my face for the entire reading. The pieces are falling into place in all the right ways, with the information that is revealed about both Severin and the mysterious demon that has been stalking Buffy for the last few issues. I have to admit, I was surprised by the plot twists along the way, and I loved them! You'll love them too as you move toward the final panel. Yet there are plenty of mysteries still to solve, plenty of secrets and dangling plot lines. That is, after all, what keeps me reading. I highly recommend this issue, and I'm eager to get my hands on number four!

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 9 #4

Dec 30, 2011

This issue was everything that an arc finale should be. I was left completely satisfied with the resolution of the battle with Severin but eagerly anticipating the next arc. How will Buffy's new roommates react to her job as a slayer? Will the demon Koh continue to be involved in the plotline? Will the detectives find a way to join Buffy in her struggle or continue to block her? I hope to see more of these characters, as well as seeing more of Willow in the arcs to come. Overall, it was an excellent end to the four issue arc that leaves enough dangling ends to get me ready for the rest of the season.

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 9 #6

Feb 8, 2012

I know that dealing with difficult choices like this one is helping Buffy grow as a character. She's beginning to realize that she needs to move into her adult life. She is learning that she can rely on the help of her friends, but that her choices are ultimately her own to make and live with. The level of unconditional support she receives from Spike is heartwarming, and I especially loved the look on his face when she confided that she needed his help. I'm just not keen on the way the overall plotline slowed down with this arc. I think that the idea of making it be a two issue arc is a good thing, as we'll learn the outcome quickly. I'm ready to wait and see, and trust in the fact that there is probably a bigger plan in place than I can detect at the moment. That, and I love all the attention Spike is getting!

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 9 #7

Mar 13, 2012

I don't know why this was the way that the pregnancy storyline was resolved. It felt forced, without really addressing the important issues that the unexpected pregnancy brought up for Buffy. Overall, though, the rest of the comic made up for the ending that I really didn't like. The interactions with Spike and the presence of the police officers were strong and entertaining. I just hope that the surprise ending leads us back into more contact with some of the larger forces of evil in Buffy's world. That's what I really want to see next. That – and the continued presence of Spike.

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 9 #8

Apr 17, 2012

While I made no secret about the fact that I didn't like the "robot" resolution to the pregnancy scare in the last two issues, I'm enjoying robotic Buffy in this issue. It explains a lot of the dangling plotlines from earlier in the season, and gives the storyline a nice opening to get Andrew back into the picture. Yes, he's a real goofball, but I enjoy seeing his silly geekiness jumping back into the tale. I'm also thrilled that Simone has reentered the storyline. Let's get the paced picked up, and I'm ready for more. It's time to get some serious evil going again in this tale!

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 9 #9

May 18, 2012

I found it difficult to write this review, because I found it hard to put into words how much I loved it. Honestly, this is exactly the kind of issue that I adore. It had just the right mixture of everything. It had plenty of action, perfect character development, and a healthy dose of many of my favorite characters. The hallmark Buffy universe humor was blended with heart felt revelations for more than just Buffy. Best of all, the cliff hanger had just the right "bang" and made me grin with anticipation for the next installment.

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 9 #10

Jun 25, 2012

This month's Buffy was all about the characters. While that means the action was more limited than normal, it moved each of them along nicely in the larger plot. With humor mixed with melancholy, plenty of lingering questions, and the potential for massive shakeups in the Buffyverse, I continue to be hooked on the overall storyline of this season.

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Spike #1

Sep 18, 2012

Spike has such a unique voice – a combination of flippant snark and deep seated pain. He's a favorite, and I held out great hope that the character I love would show well in this mini. The first issue was a perfect mix of pathos and wry humor. The bugs are great, from start to finish. We have a fun setup for the remainder of the series with the introduction of a mysterious group of creatures that make Spike's life miserable. I'm sold on the concept and ready to enjoy this storyline.

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Dollhouse: Epitaphs #3

Sep 13, 2011

Overall, this was a fast paced adventure with intriguing characters and excellent artwork. Readers who know and love Echo's world will enjoy discovering more about the events that led up to the final episode of the series. There are plenty of mysteries left to unravel in the remaining episodes of the series. Those who haven't seen the series may find the plot references a bit confusing, though the earlier issues of the comic series may solve this problem by filling in more of the backstory.

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Orchid #1

Oct 4, 2011

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Orchid #2

Nov 9, 2011

The portions of the story that focused on the current day events, with Simon and Orchid trying to escape from captivity, held my attention much more than the flashbacks in this issue. I love the dystopian genre, and I'm still intrigued by the fate of the mask of General China. Who can wield the mask, and how will it help them defeat the oppressors? While this issue didn't quite live up to the promise of the first, the ending did keep me sufficiently interested to want to continue on and learn the rest of the tale.

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Orchid #3

Jan 2, 2012

I'm still intrigued by the world itself, though, and I plan to stick with it to see if the pace picks up in the next issue and to find out if Orchid ends up with the mask. I want to know if there is some deeper connection between Opal and Orchid, and I want to see Orchid develop into the hero I know she can be. I just wish we could get some glimpses of that side of her along the way.

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Star Wars: Dawn of the Jedi - Force Storm #1

Feb 13, 2012

Jumping in at the start of a new series is an exhilarating feeling, made even more exciting for me because this is Star Wars " and where it all begins. This was an amazing way to start off a story. The setup of the issue is well paced; the writing is lyrical and lovely. They spent just the right amount of time on the arrival of the Force sensitives on Tython, jumping into the more recent story smoothly. The art is amazing throughout, showcasing the varied climates and sentient lifeforms beautifully. Dawn of the Jedi definitely has made it into my monthly "must read" list.

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Star Wars: Dawn of the Jedi - Force Storm #2

Mar 22, 2012

The writing isn't as lyrical as in the first issue, but it works well for the pacing and action level of the story being told here. The setup for the main body of the story is solid, and the characters make me want to learn more. There is enough mystery in the helmeted stranger, and in the brief appearance of another mysterious, lonely figure on one of the moons of Tython, to make me eager for the next installment.

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