Star Wars: Dawn of the Jedi - Force Storm #1
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Star Wars: Dawn of the Jedi - Force Storm #1

Writer: John Ostrander Artist: Jan Duursema Publisher: Dark Horse Comics Release Date: February 15, 2012 Cover Price: $3.5 Critic Reviews: 10 User Reviews: 3
6.6Critic Rating
7.5User Rating

  • 9.6
    SciFiPulse - Patrick Hayes Feb 16, 2012

    Interesting and promising. This is foundation laying and if you know nothing of Star Wars, this would serve as a fine introduction. If you know something of Wars, this will create many questions, which I look forward to seeing answered. Read Full Review

  • 9.6
    The Fandom Post - Maria Selke Feb 13, 2012

    Jumping in at the start of a new series is an exhilarating feeling, made even more exciting for me because this is Star Wars " and where it all begins. This was an amazing way to start off a story. The setup of the issue is well paced; the writing is lyrical and lovely. They spent just the right amount of time on the arrival of the Force sensitives on Tython, jumping into the more recent story smoothly. The art is amazing throughout, showcasing the varied climates and sentient lifeforms beautifully. Dawn of the Jedi definitely has made it into my monthly "must read" list. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Comicosity - Aaron Long Feb 15, 2012

    Ostrander shares storytelling credits with Jan Duursema and rightfully so: this is a cohesive creative unit and the art tells as much about the birth of the Jedi Order as the words do in this issue. Duursema continues her high quality of penciling in this issue and there are no inconsistencies, even amongst the varying races of the Star Wars galaxy. The art is the shining highlight of many pages in this first issue and Duursema easily handles much of the storytelling in the initial pages. This is a strong creative duo that is completely in sync and we, the readers, get to reap the benefits of this great tandem. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    ComicList - Brandon Borzelli Feb 18, 2012

    This book is going to be mandatory if you plan to follow this series. The seeds are subtly planted all over this issue and, as a result, it's difficult to pick out which are going to be important in the long term. I like the set up and the execution of this issue a lot, even if it reads a bit slow. You simply can't go wrong with Duursema art and Ostrander's direction. This is going to be a fun ride. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Resources - Doug Zawisza Feb 15, 2012

    Of the species gathered by the Tho Yor, we see Wookies and Twi'lek, but we don't stick around with them much. This series starts with some familiarity, but quickly shifts from the familiar to the new wild settings and characters introduced here. This is the magic that Ostrander and Duursema bring to their work on the Star Wars brand: instant familiarity through new contributions. It is surprising to see Tatooine with vegetation upon it, but it is not difficult to imagine the ravages awaiting that planet following the events set in motion in this issue. All too soon, this galaxy will transform into the one Star Wars fans are familiar with, but the journey ahead is filled with excitement and uncertainty, wonder and adventure. The beginnings of the Jedi -- or Je' Daii as they are referred to herein -- are in place here, related through an oral history we have only just begun to hear. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Newsarama - Aaron Duran Feb 16, 2012

    As it stands, Star Wars " Dawn of the Jedi #1 is a very basic foundation to a potentially grand house. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Major Spoilers - George Chimples Feb 15, 2012

    I'm not hip to much of what's going on in the Star Wars Extended Universe these days, as I am one of those grognard Star Wars fans for whom the prequels spoiled everything. But Ostrander and Duursema might make me rethink some of my prejudices. This issue starts off slow, with too big of an infodump at the beginning, but it's forgivable. The world-building that Ostrander does shows his affection for this new setting, and I want to be along for the ride Ostrander and Duursema promise to take us on. They're not reinventing the X-Wing here, but they are producing some good, clean fun in the Star Wars universe, and sometimes that's all you need. Star Wars: Dawn of the Jedi - Force Storm #1(what a mouthful) captures what makes the Star Wars universe special, and is worth a look for any Star Wars fans. Read Full Review

  • 5.5
    IGN - Joshua Yehl Feb 15, 2012

    Luckily, Jan Duursema's artwork conveys the grand scale that the story attempts to reach. The space pyramids take off from arctic landscapes, dense forests, and steamy jungles and travel through space to an incredible pillar surrounded by intense lightning. Xesh, a "Force hound" who appears after the Jedi story, looks impressively sinister and tough in his black outfit and cyclops-helmet. Much like the prequels, John Ostrander's debut story does not satisfy basic fan questions, but it sure looks good. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Razorfine - Alan Rapp Feb 22, 2012

    Also troubling is the fact the series takes at the beginning but Jedi already have lightsabers? And there are Sith (who look like generic Vader wannabes)? The Force is not strong with this one. Pass. Read Full Review

  • 2.0
    Comic Bastards - Dustin Cabeal Feb 15, 2012

    For the fans of the Star Wars franchise, this book is an additional wrinkle in the huge Star Wars lore. The fans will enjoy the book for sure, but for people who just are sticking to the nostalgia of the old series; this book might have some explanation that may not be to your liking. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Hex Dec 29, 2023

    I went back to check out why this book had such low scores from critics and honestly, it seems like most of them either only skimmed it or have no real knowledge of Star Wars lore. While this may be understandable because the expanded lore of Star Wars is confusing and daunting to most who've only seen the movies and many things seem contradictory as several critics pointed out, many of the concerns levied or "contradictions" are meant to inspire memories of the material most are familiar with as well as lay the ground work for how certain aspects of the time before the Jedi were. Simply a lack of literary comprehension. It's a very well done story though slow through the first issue and the latter half of the issue lays the ground work for more

  • 6.0
    Storm Winterfyre Jun 30, 2018


  • 8.0
    Kohi12345 Oct 4, 2023

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