Matt Garz's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Rhymes With Geek Reviews: 7
8.3Avg. Review Rating

Low#5 is another solid issue this great science fiction story. Rick Remender gives us a strong lead character whose convictions have only seemed to hurt her family, not protect it. With a gut wrenching ending, I am so curious to see where this story is heading.

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Lazarus #13 is a wonderful example of a fantastic collaboration between everyone working on the series. While this story arc doesn't do much in terms of action, the suspense and overall drama unfolding is fascinating. With an ending like this, you're you'll likely be hanging on the edge of your seat, or cursing the creators for making you invest so much into their story It's really an under appreciated book and I cannot recommend it more.

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We've all heard it. This May "Time Runs Out." What does that mean for Earth's Mightiest Heroes? This issue shows just how far the Mighty have fallen as we finally learn the fate of Tony Stark. While new readers will definitely have problems following the events this issue, fans of the series, and of Hickman will revel in the story that's unfolding.

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Silver Surfer has been in my attention zone since I was about 8 years old. I had an action figure complete with my very own "Toomie." It's no surprise that I am in love with this book. While not perfect (I still have trouble with Dawn breathing in space, but hey, that's the power cosmic for ya), it comes pretty damn close. What we have here is a genuinely fun comic book, full of strong character moments, brilliant art, and of course, interactive and engaging storytelling.

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I was initially hesitant to pick up this book when I first read the solicitations. The cover gave me an uneasy feeling and I honestly thought it was going to be unnecessarily gruesome. My opinion has since changed. I really dig this series. There's a great mystery to uncover and I can't wait to see it unfold.

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I've been on board this series since Issue #1 and it's been one hell of a ride. There have been some really out there issues. Joe Casey and company depict a decrepit Saturn City with atrocious people clinging to debauchery. Simon Cooke can no longer fight for his beloved city, because well, he no longer has the mental capacity to be The Armored Saint. He's unwilling, as Quinn points out in her letter, to truly accept Saturn City for what it is. Keenan, on the other hand, has her faith and blessings. I love when I have no idea what direction a series is heading. One thing is certain, Casey is building up to something that is bound to make an explosion in Saturn City. It's safe to say that Sex will really keep your toes curling and craving more. (Seriously people, out of the gutters!)

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I've been a fan of Grant Morrison's work for a long time. His high concepts and meta-textual view of comic books interest me in a way that no other comics writer does. Those unfamiliar with Morrison, will most likely walk away from this book scratching their heads. This is Morrison's love letter to superhero comics, and even though each issue is a one-shot, we can't judge the work based on one chapter alone. I'm not so thrilled that these issues are a series of one-shots. Obviously we get to see the comic books from the previous two chapters play a role, though that role isn't exactly clear yet. The lack of a resolution makes me wonder whether DC will follow the Spider-verse model and release new titles. Next month we get the Frank Quitely issue, Pax Americana. And so begins my impatient month long wait.

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