Matt Lyons's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Moargeek Reviews: 13
7.7Avg. Review Rating

Ant-Man (2015) #1

Jan 10, 2015

Ant-Man's highly anticipated new solo series kicks off with a great book full of signature Nick Spencer charm. It gets all the expository dialogue that is required in a #1 issue out of the way in creative ways, and lets you jump right into the lengthy and diverse Ant-Man history without getting drowned in information. Oh, and The Hunger Games is absolutely a Battle Royale ripoff. There, I said it.

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Ant-Man (2015) #2

Feb 21, 2015

Another great issue to get Ant-Man's newest volume started, and a premise that looks to be a satisfying multi-book arc in the near future. This newest iteration of Ant-Man is quickly becoming a can't miss comic each month.

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Ant-Man (2015) #3

Mar 29, 2015

Nick Spencer's run of Ant-Man continues to get better and prove itself worthy of the term "must-read." Characters both old and new have great dynamics together, and fighting is right on point with Ant-Man's abilities. Seriously, if you haven't picked up Ant-Man yet, do it. Do it right now.

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Rocket Raccoon (2014) #8

Mar 2, 2015

Rocket Raccoon concludes a complex two-book story arc with an overly simplistic ending and some bland, convoluted art.

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Rocket Raccoon (2014) #9

Mar 19, 2015

Rocket Raccoon #9 doesn't do anything to move the mercenary duo's storyline forward, but it's a fun self-contained romp around a 'What if?' type scenario. Some of the best issues of this run so far have been these standalone tales, and I can't wait to see what others get thrown in the mix down the road.

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Star Wars (2014) #1

Jan 15, 2015

A solid, albeit not amazing, first taste of what is come with Star Wars back home at Marvel and its parent company, Disney. Jason Aaron crafts a decent story in this first issue, but it is dragged down a bit with forced references to the films and a desire to constantly remind you that it is indeed Star Wars. Character dynamics are still very much in tact, and Darth Vader is awesome as ever. Worth at least a pickup if you're a curious comic book reader, and an absolute must if you're a Star Wars fan.

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Star Wars (2014) #2

Feb 14, 2015

Another serviceable, if not great, issue from Star Wars' return to Marvel comics. The seeds of something more interesting are sown with the Luke and Darth Vader story, but we're left exploring previously-treaded territory.

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Star Wars (2014) #3

Mar 21, 2015

An interesting reveal in the last two pages can't save this otherwise bland adventure found within Star Wars #3. Art is still bizarre and hard to decipher what a character's face is meant to be displaying, and perspective on the imposing AT-AT makes it look like a tiny craft. If you're a dedicated Star Wars fan you're in for the long haul anyway, but if you're looking to hop into the series as a neutral party, it may be best to wait.

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Star Wars: Darth Vader #1

Feb 25, 2015

If you're a Star Wars fan with any interest in Darth Vader whatsoever this is obviously a must-have comic. Even if you're just a casual fan, there is plenty to be intrigued with in this first issue of the Dark Lord's solo adventure, just don't expect anything to blow you away quite yet.

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Star Wars: Darth Vader #3

Apr 6, 2015

Darth Vader#3 introduces some new themes, some new characters, and overall imprints a lot of fun into the series, while still maintaining its dark tone with the sulky Lord Vader.

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The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #1

Jan 13, 2015

A good first entry into what promises to be a fun ride with a quirky superhero. A ho-hum villain doesn't detract too much from the information-heavy #1 issue, and I can't wait to see what is in story for Squirrel Girl and Tippy.

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The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #2

Feb 19, 2015

The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl doesn't pull any punches in its second issue. Doreen Green goes from a minor Spider-Man foe last month to preparing to fight Galactus himself, and Ryan North manages to keep everything balanced perfectly.

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The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #3

Apr 2, 2015

Doreen's big fight with Galactus is put off for another issue as she fights off another smaller villain, Whiplash. Putting on a suit made of squirrels is great, but some of Ryan North's comedy this time around is just a bit too based on randomness, and not setting up good jokes.

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