Nour Harrak's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Nerds Unchained Reviews: 5
7.6Avg. Review Rating

Amazing Spider-Man (2014) #19.1

Jul 6, 2015

The books story is wonderful and every character in it feels unique and entirely independent. Character moments where we get into the heads of Spidey and Wraith are done with extreme attention to detail, and the story moves at a fast enough pace to keep readers engaged, but just slow enough that we dont miss out on the little things. It would be insane not to mention the quips Spidey makes during the fight scenes, which are some of the most genuinely funny and well-written Spider-Man jokes Ive read in a long time. This book is as Spider-Man as it gets, and youd be doing yourself a disservice not to check it out.

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Transference #1

Jul 8, 2015

Transference #1s story is insanely interesting as well, as Moreci lays a very strong foundation for the start of this series. Plot points are explored but left open ended, and starting the series off high stakes with no origin story makes for a thrilling read that captures readers from the get go. Theres a lot to build on from here forward, which should make for equally good books in the future, so punch that vacation ticket out of Battleworld and give Black Mask Studios Transference a read.

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Armor Wars #1

Jun 5, 2015

Armor Wars #1 is a thrilling read that helps reveal just a bit more about what's going on in Battleworld that is (thankfully) very independent of what's going on around it. It digs its heels into the sand and gets off to a running start and leads the pack as one of the better tie ins Secret Wars has to offer, and hopefully this strong start can keep the book steady and lead the way for an interesting and exciting read. The books only major flaw? Spelling “Armor” in American (read: inferior) English and thereby leaving out the “u”. As any Canadian would, I will proceed to spell it “Armour Wars” everywhere else.

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Superior Iron Man #9

Jun 4, 2015

Despite its being yet another series with an awkward conclusion thanks to Secret Wars (looking at you Miles Morales #12), Superior Iron Man #9 is an enjoyable read and stands very strongly on its own two feet. Its a wonderful blend of art and writing that makes you wish the series would continue after this. The Superior Iron Man series has been an enjoyable ride that is hopefully picked up in the future, but with the hints Marvel has dropped on Starks future, I am having my doubts

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Ultimate End #3

Jul 6, 2015

The art and colours alone however, while making this book incredibly visually appealing, arent enough to keep this books story afloat. Story progression is minimal at best, and treading backwards at worst as issue 2 showcases the heroes going out to do their thing, only to have them return to their head-scratching ways in this issue. Secret Wars has been a fantastic ride thus far, and with a lot of the tie ins second issues being released and expanding much more on their domains and stories, this book remains incredibly confusing and agonizing, as you beg for the characters to do just about anything besides argue with one another. Two issues left Bendis, lets see what you make of this.

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