Paul Mallory's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: A Comic Book Blog Reviews: 24
7.9Avg. Review Rating

Brightest Day #12

Oct 22, 2010

I like how the stories progress in this issue; the story lines aren't as choppy as some other issues in this series. I will say again what I said before: Geoff Johns concentrating on just two story lines per issue results in better issues, instead of trying to cram something in for each story every time.

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Brightest Day #13

Nov 10, 2010

This is one of the best, if not the best, issue of Brightest Day thus far. I know that's not saying much, but like I predicted in my review for Brightest Day #9, I said that things would start to happen at issue #12, if we were fortunate. Apparently, we are fortunate, because more things are happening in this current issue.

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Brightest Day #16

Dec 17, 2010

This issues moves plot points significantly forward, but there are still questions. What happened in The Atom's lab? How exactly is Aqualad the key to keeping Mera and the rebel Atlanteans locked up in Xebel? Because the Aquaman plot has moved forward so much, I'm afraid that we won't see them return for a couple more issues. I hope I'm wrong, because this issue made the Aquaman plot my new favorite of the series

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Brightest Day #17

Jan 6, 2011

We can see the storylines develop in this issue. There are some loose ends that need tying up as well as we enter the home stretch of the series. With nine more issues to go, there really isn't a lot of breathing room left for Johns to work his magic. I expect something big to happen within the next two issues.

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Brightest Day #18

Jan 26, 2011

The art in this issue allowed the characters' emotions to be particularly affecting upon the reader. Sharp colors, succinct designs, and the right focus and angle are appropriate for the tone that the writers want to convey in each panel. A final note on the cover: one of the best of the series. I've always complained that the characters featured on the cover frequently have a secondary, or even tertiary, focus in the story, but not this time. Hawkman and Hawkgirl, relentless and ready to fight, on the cover and in the pages beneath, are given their due in Brightest Day #18.

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Brightest Day #24

May 4, 2011

That being said, I'm ready to move on, how about you?

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Captain America (2004) #613

Jan 6, 2011

Captain America #613 Review January 2, 2011 Marvel Blog, Marvel Comics Reviews 0 comments Tweet Captain America #613Ed Brubaker's finely paced storytelling and tension building techniques continue in part 3 of "The Trial of Captain America." It's been said that every picture tells a story, and I swear that's true with Brubaker's panels. It would take a whole page of writing to tell what Brubaker can do in one panel. I've praised this before, and I so so again for good reason. His pacing and storytelling are the things that make this my favorite Marvel book right now.Red Skull's daughter continues to turn the screws in Bucky's psyche the same way that Baron Zemo did, from a distance, and using psychological tactics. I'm sure the physical encounter will occur at the end of the story arc in much the same way that Zemo did in the previous arc. In fact, I'm wondering if there's a formula that Brubaker is working when it comes to these vi

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Captain America (2004) #626

Jan 27, 2012

The story treads along with the usual Brubaker pacing, and if you're a fan of Francavilla's art then you will enjoy this arc even more. Either you're a fan of his art or not. I've found fan reactions to Francavilla to be polarizing. But I'm a fan of the noirish look, especially if it works with the character, and it certainly does with Captain America, just as his art works with his recent run on the Black Panther book.

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Captain America (2004) #627

Feb 29, 2012

Overall, a very good issue, and I'm still hungry for more.

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Captain America (2004) #628

Apr 4, 2012

Overall, I'm glad to be moving on. I'd like to see Francavilla move on to another title (Daredevil? Winter Soldier?), but it's time that “Captain America and Bucky” is ready to be laid to rest.

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Captain America (2011) #1

Jul 14, 2011

I suspect Steve McNiven was chosen to pencil the series due to his work on Civil War, a book that had wide appeal. That's no criticism of McNiven, by the way. This book was tailor-made for a brand new comic fan, fresh from the theater, walking into a comic store and asking for Captain America. And this is what that new fan is getting: Steve Rogers, with shield in hand, saving his friends and the world from those evildoers out to destroy Captain America and all that he holds dear.

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Captain America (2011) #9

Mar 21, 2012

Overall, a fine but unmemorable issue.

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Captain America (2011) #11

May 19, 2012

Overall, not a very impressive opening issue to this “Shock to the System” arc. I was underwhelmed by Patch Zircher's art, and underwelmed at this issue as a whole. The last arc, “Powerless,” had a slightly harder kick to it, but let's see what happens.

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Captain America (2011) #13

Jun 20, 2012

Next month the arc concludes.

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Defenders (2011) #1

Dec 13, 2011

This book definitely deserves a spot on your pull list, but let's hope it doesn't stay at 3.99. It isn't a 3.99 title. Overall, it's a standard #1 issue, it doesn't take any chances,but it's relevancy is firmly footed in the larger Marvel Universe. The events are spinning off of Fear Itself, one of the many loose ends that need taken care of. I'm very satisfied that the first story arc will deal with an unresolvedproblem from Fear Itself. If Marvel can let this book come into its own, it could become a staple of the Marvel Universe.

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Flash (2011) #9

May 24, 2012

Manapul has done a wonderful job each issue setting up each new character as they enter the relaunched DC universe. The panel layouts were a little more straighforward in this issue, but that's fine; it took nothing away from the story or art. One might think the writer is introducing too many characters, but the pacing of the story erases that problem.

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Saucer Country #1

Mar 15, 2012

Needless to say, I'm definitely on board for this series. Paul Cornell has given us just enough for us to be excited, and as a fan of his DC work, I'm eager to see what the next issue has in store. I will be reviewing each issue as it's released, and I look forward to your comments, so feel free to post some.

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Saucer Country #2

Apr 14, 2012

I can't wait.

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Supergirl (2005) #55

Sep 9, 2010

If you didn't notice, there are new inkers and a new cover artist for this issue, bringing a new art direction for the series. It's nothing drastically new or different, let alone groundbreaking. Overall, a good issue from one of DC's unsung series.

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Supergirl (2005) #56

Sep 23, 2010

Although I've never been a Bizarro fan, not least of which because of the poor execution over the years, I'm interested in finding out how Superman and Supergirl work together after the New Krypton events. I'd also like to see Supergirl come into her own after this story-arc, much like Batgirl has in her current series. No new ground is broken in this issue, and it's a lot of filler, but it does advance the story quite well. The cover is this issue's highest saving grace.

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Supergirl (2005) #60

Jan 26, 2011

Our new creative team has picked up exactly where Gates and company left off. They will be missed, but this book is in good hands. A good five years and running for Supergirl. Here's to another five years and more to follow. . . .

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Supergirl (2005) #63

Apr 27, 2011

Supergirl #63 Review April 21, 2011 DC Comics Reviews 0 comments Tweet Much like Supergirl herself, the plot of "Good-Looking Corpse" crashes head first. I wish Nick Spencer would have been able to finish this story, instead of prematurely handing the reins over to Peaty. There's no disrespect meant for Peaty, I just wanted to see Spencer's interlude play itself out, and then have Peaty take over full time. The title has remained consistent through all the writer changes over the last five years or so.In any event, Blue Beetle, Miss Martian, and Damian are held prisoner, while Supergirl is shown going headfirst into solving the mystery her own way. Initially, she doesn't let her companions in on what she is doing. The reason for her going solo is revealed soon enough. Her "companions" turn out to be robot thugs belonging to Alex, who turns out to be none other than the villain Dubbilex.The brilliant art and coloring made

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Supergirl (2005) #64

May 20, 2011

Stay on this website for my review of Supergirl #65 next month.

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Voodoo #1

Sep 29, 2011

If the character finds a place in the larger DCU, and Marz can keep us interested with more than just strippers, then I can see this title going a good 20 issues, and that's a lot these days.

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