Supergirl #63

Writer: James Peaty Artist: Bernard Chang Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: April 20, 2011 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 4
7.3Critic Rating
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Things are looking grim for Supergirl and friends as a treacherous new foe proves to be more powerful than they could have imagined! And if they're going to win, Kara will have to come to terms with what it truly means to wear the "S" shield.

  • 8.4
    Supergirl Comic Box Commentary - Anj Apr 22, 2011

    Overall this was a good chapter, setting up the big finale. I definitely like how Lois is being used here. And Supergirl continues to shine here. In this arc we have seen her trash robots imitating super-villains, leading other heroes, and here use her science know-how to stop another threat. Sure Alex has beaten her the last two issues but that means he is a viable threat. There are some minor characterization problems here but all in comparison to the opening chapter which was co-written by Nick Spencer. I wonder how much of these speed bumps come from that writer discrepancy. Peaty continues to craft a very good Supergirl story. And Bernard Chang is just doing sparkling stuff here. I hope both of them find work at DC after this story. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    A Comic Book Blog - Paul Mallory Apr 27, 2011

    Supergirl #63 Review April 21, 2011 DC Comics Reviews 0 comments Tweet Much like Supergirl herself, the plot of "Good-Looking Corpse" crashes head first. I wish Nick Spencer would have been able to finish this story, instead of prematurely handing the reins over to Peaty. There's no disrespect meant for Peaty, I just wanted to see Spencer's interlude play itself out, and then have Peaty take over full time. The title has remained consistent through all the writer changes over the last five years or so.In any event, Blue Beetle, Miss Martian, and Damian are held prisoner, while Supergirl is shown going headfirst into solving the mystery her own way. Initially, she doesn't let her companions in on what she is doing. The reason for her going solo is revealed soon enough. Her "companions" turn out to be robot thugs belonging to Alex, who turns out to be none other than the villain Dubbilex.The brilliant art and coloring made Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    IGN - Apr 20, 2011

    Bernard Chang's work in this issue is equally great, providing some of the smoothest pencil and ink work this book has seen in some time. Every page has a feeling of crisp accuracy that is not often seen in a superhero book, but Chang doesn't sacrifice the immediacy of the scenes he's drawing for precision. Better yet, Peaty gives him plenty of chances to show off a bit, tossing him a couple of splash pages and some nifty fight sequences that spice up the book. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Minhquan Nguyen Apr 25, 2011

    If this is the direction DC wants for Supergirl, then Im afraid Ill have to place my support behind Spencers. Whatever it was, it had to be better than what were getting nowtoo bad we wont ever get to see it. Read Full Review

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