Paul Robinson's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: TheCultDen Reviews: 5
7.2Avg. Review Rating

I said that the series needed to pick up momentum and move forward - and whilst this issue is intentionally a slower paced one, it does not deliver on any of the pay offs it should. Despite two fantastic character moments - the reveal of which planet the League are on, and Supermans' evolution to moral centre, it's still not playing the game that it needs to. I've been forgiving the past two issues, but I'm starting to lose patience.

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I've read reviews of this comic which have slated it - which have given it a five out of ten and deemed that generous. I'm going to say giving it that sort of rating is harsh - there are definite problems with the title, but they aren't that overwhelming. That said - the are still there. Which is why I can't bring myself to give the comic the marking it so deserves. Instead, I'm going to give it a score that reflects where it is at the moment. I remain hopeful it can soon raise itself to a 10.

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Overall, Justice League 3000 #2 is an enjoyable romp, still winning points for good will but which really needs to up its game and soon or else risk dropping points. I alluded to my eventual grade earlier, but will present it here for doubt - this is getting another

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Is this a good title? Yes. Is it one I would voluntarily read again? Yes. Does it have a few issues - of course, but I suspect they're nothing more than teething ones. At the moment, I will give the title an above average score - but suspect that it will be able to achieve a higher grade in a few issues as it moves away (but not too much) from the Whedon comparisons and into more original territory.

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I'm going to give this an almost perfect score - it's a pretty high accolade, but it is so very worth it. I don't think there was a single thing that I didn't enjoy about the title - it just comes together in a comfortable package, and the only thing I would have changed would have been for there to be more of it. I'm going to be pestering the boss here at Cult Den to get us future issues of this title because I definitely want to find out what happened!

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