Rick Reliegh's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: The Latest Pull Reviews: 3
8.8Avg. Review Rating

The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina #2

Apr 19, 2015

All and all I'd say I loved this book. It has a classic Archie comics feel without leaning to much on the humor that could take away from the horror elements. And the horror elements are definitely there. Whenever Madam Satan is on the page the story feels like a cross between pre-code horror comics and the the darkest Tales to Tell by Moonlight. There are definitely rules that govern her and her powers, but their fuzzy enough that they seem familiar but unpredictable. And her appearance! Yikes! I can't think of a more nightmare inspiring character design. The horrific scenes in this book are made all the worse by Hack's use of a somewhat muted sepia, heavy color pallet, and textured surfaces. It really makes the gruesome images seem all that much more shocking. I'm really looking forward to where this story will go from here. I'm just hoping the next issue more out before I have grandchildren.

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The Fox #1

Apr 19, 2015

Like I said earlier, I was pretty excited or this book, and it lived up to my expectations. Dean Haspiel' s slightly cartoony and action packed art style combined with Mark Waid' s punchy dialogue and plotting are perfect for this book. I really enjoy that they decided to take time to show a bit of Paul's life and world rather than jump straight intro the main event, just like they did with Freak Magnet (and hopefully this issue will have foreshadowing to the third arc, just as the first issue of Freak Magnet foreshadowed the vents of this issue). I can't wait for more of this story and I hope it's as successful as it deserves to be.

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Divinity #2

Mar 20, 2015

At the half way point in the series, Divinity has easily become one of my most anticipated pulls.

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