Ron Richards's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: iFanboy Reviews: 10
8.9Avg. Review Rating

Avengers Arena #1

Nov 26, 2012

The best way to counter and combat any of the rabid fan bases preconceived notions is to deliver a quality book that surprises and that's exactly what Hopeless and Walker have done. This could be the fresh, exciting bit of “new” that we've been hoping for with Marvel NOW!. Avengers Arena #1 is anything but predictable, filled with high stakes consequences and it's clearly going to be a ton of fun.

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Batman (2011) #16

Jan 15, 2013

After finishing reading Batman #16, I can only sit back in awe and think about how we'll look back at this time and this story as a special moment, not on in Batman comics, but in comics in general. We're watching greatest unfold in front of us as two creators can blend their talents in such a way, they're creating some of the best comics around. With Batman #16, Snyder and Capullo reach great heights, the kind of which are rare in monthly comics. Even not being a Batman guy, I can sense and respect greatness when I read it and Batman #16 is exactly that. Greatness.

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Brilliant (2011) #1

Sep 27, 2011

Art expectations aside, Brilliant #1 is a well formed introduction into a new world. Bendis and Bagley have more than proven themselves as a creative team with their legendary run on Ultimate Spider-Man, and Bagley is a master of the ongoing run, so it's pretty much a lock that Brilliant will be a series worth subscribing to. While one issue alone can't show us brilliance, Brilliant #1 sets up a very intriguing world with the potential for something quite special.

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Fear Agent #32

Nov 2, 2011

I hate saying goodbye to a good thing, but when it's a book like Fear Agent, which delivered time and time again, I can't help but tip my hat to Rick Remender, Tony Moore , Jerome Opena, Mike Hawthorne and the other immensely talented creators who pitched in to create one of my favorite comics of all times. Fear Agent #32 is the book that I never wanted to review. I never wanted it to end. But if it has to end, I can't think of a better way to go out than riding into the sunset with Fear Agent #32.

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Nowhere Men #1

Nov 28, 2012

What struck me about Nowhere Men #1 was that this has the makings of a great story that I would most likely be all over if it was afictionprose novel. A little bit of science fiction, a little bit of Beatles-esque mystique, a touch of retro, a bit of business, it has the makings to hit many of my interests. But here is where we get to celebrate and praise the medium of comics, because if this was a novel, I'm sure it would be great but much of the design and mood and feel would be lost. Through the stellar design and art, Nowhere Men #1 becomes a complete experience that's unlike anything else on the stands and it off to a great start.

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Saga #1

Mar 5, 2012

It's clear that Saga is going to be the kind of ongoing series that comic readers will love, with a personal story to connect with up front, on the backdrop of a war on an epic scale. Saga #1 has everything I would hope for in a modern sci-fi/fantasy comic and more. With one issue, Saga has already earned it's spot as one of the best new comics series of 2012.

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Savage Dragon (1993) #175

Oct 31, 2011

With this landmark issue, Larsen once again knocks us readers backwards, not knowing what to expect. He's expertly crafted a world where anything can happen. You can't help but to realize with this issue that he's had the plan for this story for years and each issue has worked it's way up to this point, and you have to respect that. With the cliffhanger end of Savage Dragon #175, I literally don't know what to expect in issue #176 and the possibilities that I could think of have me excited for the next 175 issues. I've said it before and I'll say it again, if you're looking for the outrageous, the fun and the kind of comics that comic books were made for, then you've gotta be reading Savage Dragon!

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Superior Spider-Man (2013) #1

Jan 8, 2013

The Superior Spider-Man #1 is the next chapter in a grand epic and I have all the faith in the world that it will continue to be as entertaining as ever, if not more so from the looks of it.

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Uncanny X-Men (2011) #1

Nov 1, 2011

Ultimately, Uncanny X-Men #1 is the underdog in the world of X-Men: Regenesis. It's the take on the X-Men that we're most familiar with, spinning off from the stories of the recent years. And yet, despite that, this issue brings into focus what it's going to take for the realization of the dream of X-Men as public heroes will take. With Uncanny X-Men #1, Gillen and Pacheco take a bold step forward in the evolution of the X-Men mythos. If this issue is any indication of what's to come, I can't wait to see what this next chapter holds.

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Wolverine and the X-Men #1

Oct 25, 2011

I've been on the edge of my seat these past few months as X-Men: Regenesis was hyped up, wondering what the future will hold. Now that it's finally here and I held Wolverine & The X-Men #1 in my hands, I can honestly say that my excitement for the X-Men continues to build. Jason Aaron and Chris Bachalo have delivered a fantastic first issue of the kind of X-Men book that I want to read for a very long time. The future is indeed bright, and I can't wait to see what's to come.

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