Ryan Pelaez's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Comics Bulletin Reviews: 3
8.0Avg. Review Rating

The icing on the cake is the six page O.C.T. training manual in the back of the book. Its truly a great addition and ends in a very in-depth, informative and entertaining way. Overall, this is a very good book. You really get a lot for your money: Beautiful art, slick writing, an encompassing training manual and a fresh start to a book thats going to blow up. Mark my words!

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Favorite panel: page three, panel one. Check it out.

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Overall, this issue was just an uninspired eh for me. The art was inconsistent. Adam and Maxim look like crap in the beginning (page 3!) but the pink and purple panel (page 15, panel 1) of Neela in the shuttle is gorgeous! This is largely due to Nick Filardis color job, and hes got large shoes to fill following the beautiful run by Crabtree. If it seems like Im being hard on this book its only because I truly love Godland so much. Its definitely one of the best books on the rack right now and even when it has a so-so issue, its still a hilariously written, awesomely drawn spray of cosmic cool.

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