Sadie Kelly's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: On Comics Ground Reviews: 2
8.8Avg. Review Rating

Infidel #1

Mar 20, 2018

The writer of Infidel describes it as a horror that reflects "the world outside my window", and I could not agree more. Realistic and otherworldly at the same time, Infidel both sent shivers up my spine and provoked me to think about real world issues. After the initial story construction that took place in this first issue, I hope that future issues have a heavier focus on the horror element.

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Isola #1

Apr 6, 2018

Although a satisfying read, Issue #1 of Isola left me with several questions. Why were Rook and Queen Olwyn exiled? How did Queen Olwyn become a tiger? What was the giant corpse creature? What is the place known as "Isola", and what is its importance? This first issue did a splendid job of getting me hooked enough to want to read on to find the answers to these questions.

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