Sam Marx's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Comicosity Reviews: 12
8.3Avg. Review Rating

Criminal Special Edition (One-Shot) #1

Feb 27, 2015

To me, this is an important comic. Not often does a comic feel genuinely timeless, but I can imagine myself reading and enjoying this book back in 1976 as much as I can imagine myself reading and enjoying this book in 2030. Longtime fans of Criminal are well served with the backstory for a well-known but little seen character, and brand new readers are effortlessly introduced to this sordid and dangerous world. This comic balances fantasy and cold reality without going overboard on either, and in the end were left with something that is both extreme but accessible. Im eager to say Ill be rereading this issue for years to come; talk about a special edition.

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Daredevil (2014) #6

Jul 23, 2014

At the end of the day, this a very by the numbers Daredevil book. He has a mystery, he dives in head first, and now must fight some baddies. I hope were able to pick up more on the visions and problems he had at the start of the book, because that seems like a huge opportunity for character development that I just dont see happening in Wakanda. Mark Waid has built something special for this series with intensely vivid characters, and Matt was primed to build a new life in San Francisco. I hope it doesnt take too long for him to find his way home.

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She-Hulk (2014) #6

Jul 16, 2014

Im the first to admit that I might be proven wrong by the seemingly strange character interactions as the series continues, but for now Im disappointed that a new storyline is opened while what weve been building to is left far from resolution. Luckily, this is still a very good issue with a little glimpse into Angies secrets and one heck of a fight scene (it may be worth it to buy the issue for that alone)!

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Silver Surfer (2014) #5

Aug 28, 2014

The book wraps up with a genuine heartfelt moment between Dawn and her sister Eve as Dawn decides to surf off with Norinn. Now we can get to the good stuff: space! I cant say for certain that the events in this issue were wholly necessary as the Surfer was about to head into space at the end of issue four anyway, but it provides a quick story thats fun, brings in a few of our favorite characters, and provides a bit more background for Dawn to join in on this journey. I cant argue with this degree of fun too much!

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Swamp Thing (2011) Annual #3

Oct 29, 2014

My major complaint about this issue is not really the fault of the issue itself, but rather the larger story Im annoyed Capucine was only around for 14 issues of Swamp Thing! We got a brief background of her in this issue, but I would have been interested to explore the character more and seen her promoted to full-time Swamp Thing companion. I appreciated how we were able to experience some of her personal growth in the final pages, but it may have felt much more poignant if she had been given more time to develop. Though I am saddened she has to leave, Im glad she was able to go out in an extended-length issue that touched on each end of the emotional spectrum. Also, maybe now Etrigan will join the title on a more regular basis?

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Swamp Thing (2011): Futures End #1

Sep 3, 2014

If youre setting out to read every issue of these Futures End tie-ins, this issue is enjoyable enough but I doubt it will add much to what is happening with the events main characters. As a Swamp Thing reader, it seems irrelevant to Charles Soules fantastic run and could probably be skipped. As I mentioned before, this issue is a snapshot. I would have loved to see this story as a full arc, but instead it was presented as a hasty and inconclusive one-shot that left me with more questions than answers.

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The Fade Out #1

Aug 21, 2014

Ill wrap up this review by saying this book is primed to be the best crime story Ive seen sinceCriminal, maybe. Weve got a highly untrustworthy cast of characters, a naive dead girl, and a lot of questions to be answered. What more can we ask for with this kind of tale? Building upon everything Brubaker and Phillips have done before, we get something that feels both familiar and fresh. Which leads me to ask: if you enjoyed this, might I recommend going back and readingCriminal?

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The Fade Out #2

Oct 1, 2014

As I said earlier, its really hard to follow up on such a great debut issue, but Brubaker and Phillips seem to have done it. The Fade Out continues to be one of the most intriguing and tense titles of the year, and with each new chapter we make our way deeper into the mystery of Charlies role in the murder of Valeria Sommers. Each panel builds upon the depth of the world that has been created, and each character demonstrates they are not mere bystanders to be ignored. While a pleasure to read, it may be argued that the success in this issue comes from its ability to make us want so much more. I cant wait.

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The Fade Out #3

Nov 13, 2014

One of my favorite aspects of The Fade Out so far has been Brubaker and Phillips ability to continue adding new elements while maintaining the core of the story. In the first issue, were presented with a murder mystery and a frustrated protagonist; in the second were presented with a handful of secrets; and in this issue, we see a shift in the power structures coming. The way each of these layers continue to build informs us that change is coming, but at this point its impossible to know how much damage will be done. I just hope this book is near the top of everyones reading list so we can watch it all come down together.

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The Humans #1

Nov 5, 2014

As I wrote earlier, on the surface The Humans #1 is just a violent, drug and sex fueled gang fight. Surprisingly, Keller and Neely are able to inject a lot of humanity into these characters despite any craziness that is thrown their way. I cant wait for issue two to continue this badass ride into oblivion after seeing what they were capable of here. Just dont show it to your kids.

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The Humans #2

Dec 3, 2014

Though it may not be as over the top as the first issue, The Humans #2 is very successful in introducing new, strong characters into the mix without going too deep into the realm of complete absurdity. The humanity of the characters shines through at all times, whether it is the representation of Johnnys own struggle or the other gang members just happy to see their friend back home. Its clear that Keller and Neely are building up the foundations for an impending storm of violence, and this issue goes a long way in making the reader better understand the pain and motivation of what's to come.

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The Massive #30

Dec 29, 2014

Like the endings of many series, The Massive #30 is bittersweet. The world is destroyed, the ship is out in the middle of nowhere, and the path ahead is unknown. However, through Brian Woods deep characterization and Brown and Bellaires influential artwork, were given a story that gives readers confidence that their next adventures will be full of excitement and wonder. As a conclusion, issue 30 makes every struggle, every painful moment of this series feel significant and necessary to help create the beautiful world that lays ahead. Im sad to see it end, but am grateful for the opportunity to take the ride.

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