Shawn Vogt's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Project-Nerd Reviews: 19
7.3Avg. Review Rating

Judge Dredd: Classics #1

Jan 22, 2015

Overall, this is a very good release, an absolute page-turner. It's both a good starting point for those unfamiliar with the characters, and a love note to long-term fans. With a fast-paced story, an outstanding artist, and an iconic group of characters, where can you go wrong? Unless you have the original progs, I recommend that you pick this up. Even if you have the originals, pick this up anyway. You can't have too much of a good thing, can you?

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Little Nemo: Return to Slumberland #1

Aug 21, 2014

So, earlier, I mentioned this is an all-ages title. Don't let that turn you away; this Nemo (like the original) is pure, unadulterated FUN! Just sit back, relax, and enjoy yourselves. Read any of the Little Nemo adventures, and I defy you to keep a smile off your face. Actually, read what you like regardless of whatever genre it's lumped into. Keep having fun. Just a suggestion, my friends…

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Star Trek: City On The Edge Of Forever #1

Feb 5, 2015

The City at the Edge of Foreveris a release made by creators who are at the top of their game, one that contains excellent storytelling, from top to bottom, front to back. The story is compelling, the art is exceptional work from all three of the artists involved, and the presentation and packaging of the collection is outstanding. Top notch storytelling, on all fronts, and highly recommended reading.

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The Squidder #1

Jan 28, 2015

When it comes down to it, this is one of my favorite reads of the new year. Story and art are perfectly suited to one another, and the reading experience has been absolutely sublime–this is a totally immersive experience and an absolute pleasure to read. Here, we have a thrilling new universe that draws from many different sources.The Squidderis an excellent release. Hopefully, we'll get more stories set in this world. This is highly recommended reading. Enjoy!

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Winterworld #1

Dec 26, 2014

As mentioned above, both Chuck Dixon and Jackson Guice are the epitome of the word professional. They're also some of the best in the business; they've had their hands in a great number of memorable stories throughout the years, and Winterworldshould be added to that list of memorable stories. Enthralling storylines, emotive art, characters you actually care about… What's not to like? Personally, I'm glad to see these two creators are still firing on all cylinders and turning out a new addition to their ‘best of' list.This one's agreat read and highly recommended. Add this to your wish list, comic book fans.

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G.I. Joe (2014) #1

Sep 24, 2014

To sum up, this is a rather enjoyable release, with a successful blend of both words and art. The writer and the artist are both working at a high level, and the reader reaps the rewards. Both intriguing and satisfying, this first issue sets up an ongoing storyline that will bear watching. The story definitely has a unique identity, and could veer off in any number of different directions. This quality is highly appreciated, and should keep the readers guessing. Karen Traviss and Steve Kurth are building a new take on the Joe team that long term fans, along with new readers, will be able to appreciate. An excellent new story-arc that bears watching.

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G.I. Joe: Snake Eyes - Agent of COBRA #1

Jan 23, 2015

When it comes down to it, this is a solid start to a (hopefully) murky and complicated series, with double and triple-crosses galore (once again, hopefully). The premise has definitely piqued my curiosity, and all I'm waiting for is a decent follow-through. Art and story combine for a rock-solid release, which will hopefully keep building on this initial starting point. Good stuff, and if you like black-ops or spies, this might be right in your wheelhouse. A fairly promising opening salvo which I will be following…

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Pathfinder: Origins #1

Feb 17, 2015

Pathfinders: Origins#1 is, overall, a very nice read. Story and art mesh to form a very enjoyable story, and the creators come together to present a well put together first issue. Although the release presents nothing new, or groundbreaking, it's a heck of a lot of fun. Both creators take the time to go theextra mile, and deliver a story that will stick with readers, and that bodes well for the rest of the series. The series could be something special, if it continues to build on this rock-solid first release, and fix some of the minor flaws in the presentation. A series I will happily be following, and one I would recommend picking up. Happy reading!

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Transformers: Primacy #1

Aug 12, 2014

I haven't even mentioned the art, mainly because I was so captivated by the story. Make no mistake, Livio Ramondelli's art is exquisite. Even if the story would have been more pedestrian without the art, Ramondelli's work would have garnered this new series a good review by itself. Luckily, we get the best of both worlds. Livio perfectly captures the feel of the tale and portrays the Transformers and their environment. With all the talent packed into this release,Transformers: Primacy is definitely going to be a series to watch. I, for one, am looking forward to seeing the story grow. I highly recommend all of you take a look.

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Judge Dredd: Anderson Psi-Division #1

Aug 16, 2014

To get down to it, IDW has more than met this reviewer's expectations with the new Judge Anderson release. A meld of new school and old, the reader gets the best of both worlds. You get to experience some on-point writing about a multifaceted character, and get to enjoy an outstanding visual depiction of same. This is the way it should be. I'll be sticking around for the rest of the series, and I recommend that you do so, as well.

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The Memory Collectors #1

Oct 10, 2014

When you get down to it, The Memory Collectorshits more than it misses. The beautiful art, in andof itself, outweighs the few flaws in the overall execution of the story. Coupled with a vivid world, bizarre characters, and a new mythos that is just waiting to be explored, this collection is a recommended read.

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The Worst Of Eerie Publications #1

Nov 9, 2014

In the end, The Worst of Eerie Publicationswill appeal to straight up horror fans, lovers of well crafted black and white art, and to those who are pining away for the horror publications present in the sixties and seventies. Although these stories don't stand up as well as the best from Warren, EC, or Skywald, they are still worthy additions to a collector's library. A time capsule from the heyday of American horror comics, this collection truly captured that time period. Any fan should be more than satisfied by the stories within. Pick it up, and let the fun begin. Happy reading!

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Flash Gordon #1

Jan 28, 2015

Here are my final thoughts on the release. Both the story and the art are presented in a professional manner, and there are more elements contained in the release to like than there are to dislike. For new readers, the series may be a bit hard to connect with, as the events are a direct reaction to Dynamite's earlier miniseries, King's Watch. Despite being labeled as a first issue, the series continues an ongoing storyline that started in the earlier miniseries, and may confuse anyone who hasn't been actively following previous events in the Dynamite universe. While new readers may need time to catch up, established fans of the Dynamite's version of Flash will find much to love in this new miniseries. All in all, a good start to a new comic book ‘event'.

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Phantom #1

Jan 27, 2015

When you get down to brass tacks, this release is enjoyable and fun, and the enjoyment factor outweighs any of the slight lapses in presentation. The introduction of Lother as the new Phantom is an intriguing story choice, and the story and art are both solid work. At this point, the series isn't a world beater, but it has a number of ways that it can grow into such. Regardless, the story and art are professionally presented, and the series is just beginning. This is a title to keep your eye on.

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Reanimator #1

Apr 8, 2015

All in all, this is a solid start to the miniseries, and gets more interesting as it goes along. While it contains a few flaws, its positive points outweigh these, and it has the potential to develop into something highly entertaining. Like most first issues, it teases the reader with possibilities, but the next step is what truly matters. Seeding the ground with interesting plot-points, the follow through on these will be make-or-break, and will determine the level of success of the release. Overall, the opening story is interesting enough to pick up the next issue in the miniseries.

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Lady Rawhide / Lady Zorro #1

Mar 20, 2015

When it comes down to it, this initial issue is mainly carried by the art. The plot is fractured and lacks a definitive portrayal of the two leads, presenting them in a half-formed fashion. The initial storyline presented is intriguing, but the follow-through is lacking; the writerstruggles to get a handle on his two main characters. Despite this, the cliffhanger ending is interesting enough to draw in readers, and the art is (primarily) a wonderful reason to ignore any flaws contained within the plot. Hopefully, the flaws are addressed in future issues, the handling of the main charactersis presented in a more focused light, and the art continues to impress. This release contains a number of well done parts that help to offset its flaws. Lady Rawhide has the potential to improve into a solid miniseries.

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Inferno: Rings Of Hell #1

Aug 13, 2014

To sum up, I didn't dislikeInferno: Rings of Hell, and I wasn't blown away by it (obviously), either. My feelings are much more middle-of-the-road. The story and characters have potential; unfortunately, it's not being realized yet. The art has flaws but still shows hints of the artist's true talent. I really want to keep an eye on Fernando Argosino; he has the potential to become a very good artist. The plotting is the downfall of the book. The pacing and characterization are just lacking. Diehard fans and completists may enjoy this new miniseries, but I plan on skipping the rest of the ride.

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Star Mage #1

Dec 15, 2014

All in all, this release failed to impress. As stated above, the plot, characterization, and world building were rushed. The art was of varying levels of quality. The main character is a likable sort, but would have benefited from much more development and attention to detail. The overall concept is interesting, at first, but ends up traveling a well worn road. A rather average release, with a good amount of potential, but it falls short in the end.

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Silent Hill: Downpour - Anne's Story #1

Mar 15, 2015

Overall, this release merits a pass. While the art and coloring stands up to scrutiny (despite minor flaws), the initial storyline lacks any thrills, is willfully obtuse, and comes off as extremely two-dimensional. Lacking both depth and breadth, characterization and nuance, the core audience that this is directed towards are rabid fans of the original game. IDW's choice to release a game tie-in at this juncture is puzzling, especially since this is an older game, and they would have been better served by releasing more original stories set in the Silent Hill universe. A disappointing release from a publisher that I usually trust.

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