sonny larios's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: The Latest Pull Reviews: 20
8.2Avg. Review Rating

All-New Ghost Rider #12

Mar 27, 2015

Overall, All-New Ghost Rider #12 is not the best in the series, but it's definitely not the worse. There are some cool action parts in the issue drawn in an anime style which I enjoyed. This issue is leading towards the end, which would change how things are going to go for the characters and it could lead to some interesting story arcs. I am curious to see how this series will go from here.

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Archie vs. Predator #2

May 22, 2015

Archie vs. Predator #2 shows this series has real potential to be a fun throughout. The writing is funny and brutal with an art style that contradicts what is going on in the panels, which isn't a bad thing because it adds to the humor ofthe comic. Alex de Campi also gives both Archie and Predator justice with how she portrays all these beloved characters. With the series half way over, I can't wait to see what is in store for the next two issues.

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Batman (2011) #36

Nov 14, 2014

Overall, Batman #36 is an excellent issue that shows readers that Scott Snyder is not out of ideas for the cape crusader. There are many ways that this story arc could play out and I have faith in Scott Snyder that he will deliver something that all Batman fans will still talk about in years to come.

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George Romero's Empire of the Dead: Act Three #1

Apr 3, 2015

Overall, Empire of the Dead Act Three #1 is a good start to the final act of the series. It does a good job of letting you know how things that happened last issue are going to effect the rest of the series. Although, it does not do a good job of catching up readers who haven't read anything in this series. It just assumes that you know what is going on, but most likely if you are reading this issue you have already read the other issues so far. The art and the writing both work well in making this world where the dead have risen a very dark place to live.

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George Romero's Empire of the Dead: Act Two #5

Jan 16, 2015

Overall, this issue is a bit slow ,but it is mostly used as a set up issue for the next and final act that will be coming out within the next few months.

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Guardians of the Galaxy (2013) #21

Nov 22, 2014

Even though this issue is a more about the set up for the next story arc, I am personally excited for for the potential origin of the symbiote. I just hope this arc finally revels the secret of the symbiote.

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Guardians of the Galaxy (2013) #22

Dec 21, 2014

I do have faith that Bendis will deliver on his promise in giving his readers a fun story arc, but right now it seems this is kind of a setup issue that will lead to a big payoff in the end.

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Justice League 3000 #11

Nov 7, 2014

Although the end of this issue might not be the most action-packed or exciting, it does set up some potential conflict for the future. After an awesome last page, I'm excited to see where the story will take us next month, as this arc has plenty of potential.

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Magneto (2014) #18

May 14, 2015

Overall, Magneto #18 is a good tie in to the Secret Wars story arc. Even though we know whats going to happen, it doesn't really take away the curiosity of what Magneto plans to do and how this will effect him in the end.

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New Warriors (2014) #11

Oct 24, 2014

Having Marcus on art duties and Ruth Redmond as the colorist adds to the fight scenes, making them have a cartoonsh feel to them. That's not a bad thing, being that this issues is a little more serious than previous issues; it adds to the concept that these characters are not meant to be completely serious and that this series is supposed to be a fun read, which it was, and I am excited to see how this story arc ends.

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Nova (2013) #22

Oct 31, 2014

Overall, this is a fun issue to read that doesn't take anything too serious and changes the pace of the series, at least for this one issue.

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Nova (2013) #23

Nov 14, 2014

In conclusion, this issue is great for both people how are and are not reading the “Axis” story arc. Gerry Duggan writes an issue that puts a lot at stake for Nova and puts him in a very interesting place for the next issue. Also, artist David Baldeon makes the reader see the emotions of Nova while facing the Hulk and his destruction.

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Nova (2013) Annual #1

Mar 13, 2015

Overall, Nova Annual #1 is a good story of how Sam gets his helmet fixed with help from the Hulk. Seeing their adventures through space feels like a good buddy cop movie (and please don't take that as anything, but good) and it's fun to see Hulk and Sam interact after their last meeting which nearly killed Nova. Although the price is a bit much more than your average comic book, if you are a fan of Nova then the price is well worth it.

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Robocop (2014) #12

Jun 12, 2015

Robocop #12 is a great way to end this story arc. It isn't as action packed as I would have like it to be, but it does feel like everything is tied up neatly. It doesn't have any loose ends other then the twist, which will be nice to see how it could affect other story arcs with these characters. If you are a fan of the original Robocop movies then this is a great series that feels like it would fit in with the 80's action movies.

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Spider-Woman (2014) #5

Mar 7, 2015

"Spider-Women #5" is a solid start for the new Spider-Women as she goes from working with the mightiest group of super heroes ever, to a solo career. She doesn't have the best of luck, but that doesn't stop her from trying again and again.

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Star Wars (2014) #6

Jun 5, 2015

Overall, this is a fanatic comic whether you are a fan of the Star Wars movies or just saw this on the shelf and decided to pick it up. Either way, you won't be disappointed. The story is intriguing especially for those that are fans of the movies because it shows how certain events come into place, yet it still throws a few surprises that would catch any fan off guard. Even if you are not aware at what Jason Aaron is leading through, it is well written enough to keep your attention. This is definitely worth a pick up for any comic book fan.

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The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #3

Mar 20, 2015

Overall, The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl # 3 is a fun issue for all ages with its cartoonish feel and it's light-hearted approach, with a little bit of urgency, but not too much to make this a serious issue. There are many jokes that work and with the mix of gags and creative writing, there is something in here that would make anyone chuckle at least once. If you are looking for a comic that you want to give a little kid or you want to read something that has fun, crazy adventures that make you feel like a kid watching Saturday morning cartoons, then this is worth a pick up.

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Thunderbolts (2012) #32

Nov 1, 2014

Sadly, for being the final issues of “Thunderbolts,” it kind of falls short by having these characters who we expected to become better people by the end remain the same, instead of change and develop. I wish that at least one of the characters would have had a revelation and took something out of it all, but no, they instead end up right where they started, being anti-heroes that are rough around the edges.

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Wolf Moon #4

Mar 7, 2015

Overall, “Blood Moon #4″ is a bloody good time for those that are itching for a classic horror monster story. Cullen Bunn has to be a fan of this genre because he has wrote an issue that all those that love this genre would love to see. Enhanced by Jeremy Haun's drawing, the carnage that both the werewolf and the stranger with the sniper are causing look aweome, all while Dillon is trying to stop any more people from dying. Some might not like this issue since there isn't much for story progression until the final few pages, but if you love seeing werewolves causing as much destruction as possible, this one is for you.

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Wolf Moon #6

May 8, 2015

Overall, Wolf Moon #6 is a good way to end this series. It delivers on how the series has been playing out. Although the main human villain's reason for killing all the people who were once host of the werewolf was not the greatest way to do it, it did lead up to a great final battle between Dillion and the werewolf. I enjoyed this series very much and it is sad that it is over because there are very few werewolf comics out there that deliver on how the monster looks and the brutally of the creature's kills. Hopefully Cullen Bunn would take on another classic monster for his next comic.

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