Steven Romano's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: PopMatters Reviews: 5
7.8Avg. Review Rating

Comicbook store shelves are rife with fierce competition, each individual book vying for the attention of a prospective reader. IDW, in my experience, delivers some of the greatest titles while standing in the shadows of industry titans Marvel and DC, meaning that some actually overlook quality works like G.I. Joe for the sake of turning to something more familiar. The series has consistently demonstrated its ability to stand among some of the best IDW's rivals have to offer, and I hope that an open-minded few will be willing to shed a scant $3.99 for a comic featuring characters as memorable and Americana as G.I. Joe.

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Justice League is solidifying itself as the superhero title that acts as the voice of the 21st century, using the drama of its heroes as a vehicle for the uncertainties we are regularly subjected to today. Gone are the halcyon days of infallible, god-like heroes, as the genre takes a more familiar, realistic approach in its storytelling.

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I've been an avid reader of Batman and Robin since issue #1 and, irrespective of this dip in quality, it hasn't done anything to reconsider my monthly purchase of the title, though I hope hiccups such as this will be few and far between moving forward.

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FF is a series that's been gaining significant praise for delivering hit after hit, and issue #5 is a strong indicator that it will continue to do so and stay on the shelves for quite some time. Besides, what other comicbook is out there that gives us amorous Moloids, underrated heroes in the spotlight and the fan-favorite artistic style of the Allreds all in one convenient package? Here's a hint: you can count it on one finger.

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Maybe some of my pedantic nitpicking comes from my wanting to see the JLA engage in superhuman fisticuffs with the Secret Society ever so much, but it has done nothing to diminish my excitement for each subsequent installment. After all, one has to bear in mind that the first few issues of any fledgling series aren't always perfect—no matter their amount of prestige. Justice League of America will always remain at the top of my reading pile each month and certainly has the potential to be something great.

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