Trevor Coelho's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Nerd Rock From The Sun, Lizard Lounge Reviews: 21
8.3Avg. Review Rating

Axcend #1

Oct 17, 2015

Axcend could very well turn out to be something quite special. A moving, richly emotional comic about seeking empowerment in unexpected places and using virtual prompting to find strength in real life. So far, it isn't that. So far, it's about a guy dealing with loss and getting sucked into a video game. But I hope it turns out to be something more.

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Birthright #6

Aug 26, 2015

Representing the start of a new story arc, issue 6 feels more like a bridge than anything else, something to connect the frantic first 5 issues with what will come in issues 7 onwards. A little slower than I'm used to from the series, but consistently entertaining, beautifully written and drawn. As with the issues before it, heartily recommended.

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Birthright #7

Sep 4, 2015

Barring one slightly strange change it attitude from one character, Birthright #7 continues to raise the high bar it set for itself. Captivating storytelling, great art, head-whirling plot twists - Birthright continues to embody pretty much everything I want from a comic. From beginning to end, a compelling read.

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Demonic (2016) #1

Sep 4, 2016

With a brisk pace, several twists and a story that looks like it's going towards interesting places, Demonic #1 seems very worthy of your time and money.

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Demonic (2016) #2

Oct 25, 2016

Regrettably average. Demonic #1 was great. Demonic #2 is not.

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Eternal #1

Jul 27, 2015

Refreshingly new. And a great take on the idea of immortality - what it can do to humanity, an good solid illustration of 'be careful what you wish for'. Thoroughly worth investing time and money in.

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Eternal #2

Aug 2, 2015

A strong continuation to what is shaping up to be a very engaging series. I'm thoroughly enjoying reading it and, with just 2 issues of the 4-issue miniseries left, I can't wait to see the end.Not happy with the change in art style, though. I enjoyed Giovanni Valletta's work much more. But it's still a great book.

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Eternal #3

Aug 11, 2015

Eternal looks to be building towards an explosive (perhaps literally) conclusion. The stakes are high, tension is mounting, and I'm dying to learn how the story ends.

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Eternal #4

Aug 17, 2015

Well, um, that was a bit of a let down. That's not to say I didn't enjoy the issue but ... I was hoping for a stronger resolution that I was given. Good, certainly, but great in the manner of the first three issues.

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Hexed (2014) #1

Jul 26, 2015

Great art, compelling characters, a hell of a start. Hexed is a grand opening to what I hope will be an excellent series.

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Hexed (2014) #2

Aug 3, 2015

I love the lore, I love the storytelling, and I love the art. An engaging follow up to what was a grand start. Please read.

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Jim Henson's The Storyteller: Dragons #1

Mar 14, 2016

There is no good reason to not buy this book. The story is genuinely moving; the book is fast without being rushed; and I really, really enjoyed the art. #1 of Dragons is a really, really good start to the series and Bayliss has set the bar pretty high.

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John Flood #1

Aug 7, 2015

What. A. Book. If the remainder of the series is as good as the beginning, John Flood will be worth collecting and re-reading months and years later.

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John Flood #2

Sep 2, 2015

The only reason I knocked off a point is because John Flood is such an extraordinary character that it's easy to forget that anyone else was even in the book, after you put it down. Both Berry and the series' villain really need to step up their game in the next two issues.Beyond that, I have precisely zero complaints. A fascinating continuation of a spectacular series. Justin Jordan and Jorge Coelho, I beg of you, work faster. I cannot handle the month-long wait between issues.

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John Flood #3

Oct 10, 2015

As brilliant as the first two issues, John Flood #3 continues to build on an already interesting plot and a fascinating character, without ever diminishing what made him so compelling in the first place.

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Memetic #1

Oct 22, 2015

The best horror books stay with you long after you put them down. Memetic is not only difficult to put down, but will also leave you with chills when you finish. At the end of the day, more than even the story and characters, the intensity of the very real, very human emotions, dealt with in such captivating fashion, make Memetic one of the best end-of-the-world horror books out there. If there is a better one, I have yet to find it.

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Metaphase #1

Aug 12, 2015

There is nothing that I want to change about this book. And my only complaint is that 82 pages of Ollie wasn't enough. I want more, and I want more quickly. The only reason this book gets a perfect ten, is because that's our score cap - if I could, on a scale of ten, I'd give it a twenty.

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Onyx #1

Jul 30, 2015

A bit meh, honestly. I'm hard pressed to recommend it. Perhaps down the line, as the story evolves, I'll find it more engaging. For the moment, though, there are a great many other sci-fi titles that are more deserving of attention.

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Onyx #2

Sep 15, 2015

I enjoy looking at Onyx. That's about it. Perhaps issue 3 will be better? Issue 2 certainly isn't.

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Rowans Ruin #1

Oct 10, 2015

A strong start for what could be a very good horror series. A protagonist with a secret, a house with a history, and a secondary character who seems to have happily traded someone else's life to save her own - Rowan's Ruin feel like it's going places. It isn't a great series yet, but it certainly has the potential to be. Worth keeping an eye on, I think.

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Welcome Back #1

Aug 26, 2015

With an interesting premise, tremendous pacing, excellent writing, and a relateable protagonist, Welcome Back looks like its going places. I enjoyed my multiple reads of the comic, and can't wait for the next book in the series. Hopefully, the next three books of Welcome Back will live up to the promise of the first issue.

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