2000AD #1869

Publisher: 2000AD Release Date: February 19, 2014 Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 1
8.0Critic Rating
7.0User Rating

  • 8.0
    Unleash The Fanboy - Edward Feb 18, 2014

    Finally, we have more Strontium Dog. John Wagner offers something dramatic this week and there is a strong sense of things coming to an end. Given the length of the arc, this makes for a refreshing script which reinvigorates interest into the title – just what it needed. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Gizmo Jul 20, 2014

    -- JUDGE DREDD // TITAN: The conclusion to this is good. Henry Flint's art gets a little clunky in places, but it has great emotions. I can't help but feel left hanging a bit from the last page, I hope to hear more about the prisoners in future progs. -- ABC WARRIORS // RETURN TO MARS: I don't get Tubal Caine's connection with this kid. The Terraneers are cool, but if they have a history of this ritual sacrifice, why is it a surprise to the kid? What purpose does this subplot serve? -- GREY AREA // ALL GOD'S CHILDREN: Mostly an action sequence here, and it is very well executed. -- ULYSSES SWEET, MANIAC FOR HIRE // CENTRED: What's with the whale? Did I miss a prog? That's not a clever payoff, that's just more random shit. The best part of t more

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