Chainsaw Reindeer is the story of one of Santa's reindeer who...snaps. Sick of Santa's abuse, the Reindeer grabs a chainsaw and the slaughter begins. Unsatisfied with simply laying waste the North Pole, the Reindeer brings his un-meticulous massacring to the four corners of the Earth, killing every human (and animal) in his path. Can anyone stop the Chainsaw Reindeer? No.
Chainsaw Reindeer is all about a reindeer who wants to kill everyone with a chainsaw. That pretty much sums it up. Ultra-violent, stomach churning and creepy beyond belief. This definitely not for the squeamish. I'm not exactly sure who it is for. It is something, though. Wow! Read Full Review
Chainsaw Reindeer #1 won't blow you away with a profound story but it's still a lot of fun. Read Full Review
Chainsaw Reindeer is a one-note joke that only differs slightly when played. It's a great concept that's never quite realized as it sticks to cheap and cringe-worthy laughs. Read Full Review
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