Fu Jitsu #2

Writer: Jai Nitz Artist: Wesley St. Claire Publisher: Aftershock Comics Release Date: October 25, 2017 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 1
8.7Critic Rating
10User Rating

Robert Wadlow, the world's tallest man and wielder of the Atomic Katana, has attacked Washington DC and conquered the United States. Now it's up to Fu Jitsu to stop Wadlow. But it's tough trying to save the world while fighting with your ex-girlfriend that you're still very much in love with.  Oh, and Fu's martial arts powers go haywire, so he's got that going for him. Which is nice.  
From Jai Nitz, the award-winning writer of El Diablo, Sucide Squad Most Wanted and Dream Thief, comes this action-packed new series with art from Teen Titans Annual artist Wes St. Claire!

  • 9.0
    Comic Crusaders - Andy Hall Oct 25, 2017

    Aftershock keeps putting out interesting stories from different genres and from so many perspectives. It is good that they are not letting themselves be pigeon holed into one or two genres as many indie publishers are. They are quickly building a number of must follow series for comic book lovers willing to go beyond the DC " Marvel border. This book should be on your pull list. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    The Fandom Post - Gregory Smith Nov 16, 2017

    Fu Jitsu offers readers an interesting art style and a complex (if not convoluted) satirical story. The postmodern storytelling of the first issue seems to be reshaped as political satire in this second installment. Comedy has been the heart of the series so far, and this issue focuses tongue-in-cheek on new areas of contemporary life. I'm not sure where the next issue will take us, and I think that is the intent of the creators. Read Full Review

  • 10
    TheImageIsStrong Oct 26, 2017

    Rarely do I give out 10's, but man Fu Jitsu is so damn good! I suggest picking this title up a must read! Aftershock is doing and amazing job from Dark Ark to BabyTeeth, Jimmy's Bastards, and Animosity to name a few amazing reads from Aftershock Comics! Just pure awesomeness ha with Fu and going up against the evil Wadlow who has the "ATOMIC KATANA" and after issue 2 it was just as good as issue 1 if not better imo. Anyway go and pick up the most awesome Kung Fu/Jujitsu artist who is a kid that is a 1,000 years old. This is a comic that just makes you smile, with great art and writing! 10 out of 10!

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