Uber #21

Writer: Kieron Gillen Artist: Canaan White Publisher: Avatar Press Release Date: January 21, 2015 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 4
9.0Critic Rating
7.2User Rating

The Allies are in a desperate race to counter the destructive onslaught of the German Uber battleships. With three potential Uber candidates in the USA the military makes moves to develop their own super soldiers. But will prejudicial decisions about which candidates will be fully activated doom the fledgling program before it gets off the ground? Kieron Gillen and Caanan White have captivated the comics community with the horrors of super human warfare in World War II. Available with Regular, Wraparound, War Crimes, and Blitzkrieg covers by Caanan White and a Propaganda Poster cover by Michael DiPascale.

  • 9.0
    Comic Spectrum - Bob Bretall Jan 30, 2015

    Uber is not a series for the squeamish or people easily offended by graphic depictions of what people actually do to and with one another. But I don't feel like any of the adult themes are gratuitously inserted into the story. These elements flesh out the story, move it along, and give a sense of reality to a series that is at its heart a fantastical alternate history of WWII. If you have not tried ber it could very well be the best war story you've never read. If you don't mind a story that gets gritty, bloody, and dirty, give it a try. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Kreniigh Dec 15, 2016

    Going to balance out the 1.0 review troll here; the fact that the Nazis are villains in this series is too obvious to be geniunely overlooked. This issue contains several significant turning points and a long-awaited battle and is not to be missed.

    + LikeComments (1)
  • 1.0
    GreyMouser Mar 20, 2015

    more garbage for wannabe-nazis to brainwash thier kids with.

    + LikeComments (2)
  • 9.5
    StarKnight Oct 18, 2022

  • 9.0
    zavarkaept Oct 10, 2024

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