Hum and the Sprigganist come into conflict as an unexpected death leads not to a doomed movement... but new, twisted promises of paradise....
Meanwhile, Serka and the Gnomads track the evil to a familiar source, and follow the breadcrumbs of a madman who stole half the population, all leading to a reunion many of our heroes might find less than satisfying...
Coda #2 is a little hard to follow; something with the narration and the individual stories between Hum and Serka don't really differentiate enough on the page in places to keep it all straight at times, but if you go slow and are careful, it still ends up being a solid issue. Read Full Review
Coda #2 delves even deeper into the fascinating world with intriguing developments done by Hum and Serka. Simon Spurrier and Matias Bergara's chemistry as a creative team shines from beginning to end as it feels like anything is possible with this imaginative story. Read Full Review
Beautiful art and a fundamentally interesting story make up for some of the structural deficiencies of "Coda #2 Read Full Review