Now that Chris knows about Vinyl Mayhem's dark, amazing secret, it's time to get her in fighting shape to save Roary from certain musical DOOM!
A quote from Irene, the boss lady: "It's more than just fighting crime and beating on bad guys though " we pledge to fight all forms of injustice: sexism, racism, homophobia, xenophobia,transphobia"we stand up for the little guys." Yes, yes, and more yes. This kind of story is what we need right now because let's be honest, the world is a toilet sandwich on a trash plate, and it's so damn invigorating to have this kind of story with these kind of powerful female characters. Read Full Review
Hi-Fi Fight Club is simply a top-tier delight, and the laid-back approach of the series is enough to wish it had more than an issue to go before being done. Read Full Review
Even as the series digs deeper into the story's mystery and emotional layers, Hi-Fi Fight Club is still able to inject innocence and pure fun through Nalty's bright colors, Vakeuva expressive pencils, and Usdin's character work. Hi-Fi Fight Club is a must-read comic book series that I hope continues after this miniseries wraps up. Read Full Review
As the mystery deepens and Chris strings together some tantalizing new clues, an already intriguing book starts to tell us what its really all about. Read Full Review
This books still just a pleasant little experience. As we reach the near end of the four-issue mini, we start to see some arcs begin to close; finding out Doloress frustrations, continuing to play with the will they wont they of Chris and Maggie, and adding an even bigger and stranger mystery to whats happened to the missing rock star. Theres not a lot to say at this point that hasnt been said before, and thats for the better. If you read the first issue and love it, youre gonna love this series. It keeps giving you what you want and what you dont expect each new chapter of the story, and will surely be another great gateway-drug into comics that Boom is so uniquely good at putting out. Read Full Review
The art team also continues to impress this issue. Vakueva brings so much life to the characters on the page that it continues to bring every single character's personality to forefront. I am always a fan of characters that show true emotion in a comic and Vakueva does Chris justice throughout this issue: we see Chris go from pure elation to pure dread, to pure “I’ve figured this out”. Hats off! Read Full Review