After Chris discovers a secret code, the girls have a new lead and renewed determination to find Roary Gory...but what if she doesn't want to be found?
Heavy Vinyl#4 has it all: deep character dives, well-developed romance, organic world building, and a passionate tone from Rebecca Nalty's background colors to Nina Vakueva and Irene Flores' design choices and fight formations to Carly Usdin taking time to show each main cast member with their family. Music is awesome, stories about that are by women are awesome, andHeavy Vinylis one of the best comics of 2017. Read Full Review
Heavy Vinyl is a heartwarming, action packed slice of life adventure that provides a perfect entry-way into the excellent house style Boom has established. Read Full Review
The narrative picks up and speeds through a lot of unnecessary new story threads but the art is as lyrical as ever and this is a fitting end to an engaging and inclusive series. Read Full Review
Name change aside, there's some plot holes that I hope are resolved in the next story arc. An overall splendid end to a series I am sad to see conclude. Read Full Review
Heavy Vinyl #4 is a good, fun comic for teens. It's not tainted by the news of the day. It is what a teen comic should be, a brief escape from the world we live in to allow you to enjoy yourself. If you've not read the first few issues, I would recommend picking them up as well. Read Full Review
In all, Heavy Vinyl has been a fun mini-series that has suffered from a few missteps, but that I would gladly recommend to anyone looking for something different in their comic pull list. I have a feeling that this mini will read much better as a trade paperback (like so many other series these days). Read Full Review