* Will the Power Rangers be able to save Angel Grove from Lord Zedd and his Putty Primes?
* With Tommy's life on the line, the rest of the team will have to rely on new allies with their own agenda.
* Meanwhile, past and present collide as another player finally reveals themselves and makes their move...
So many great scenes and character moments to wrap up an already thrilling story. Read Full Review
Mighty Morphin #8wraps up its current story arc while planting seeds for the future and unraveling the mysteries of the past. This book continues to be one of the best Power Rangers stories out there, and I can't wait to see what future issues bring. Read Full Review
The relationships between the Rangers and Zordon have never been more complex or strained, but that's what makes this story so rich and unexpected, and I cannot wait to see where we go from here. Read Full Review