The fun and fantastical ORCS! series from creator Christine Larsen (Adventure Time) returns with a new installment featuring our favorite underdog heroes: Bog, Pez, Zep, Utzu, and Gurh!
After returning from their travels and celebrating with a dance party, a prank gone wrong inadvertently unleashes something ancient and evil.
Even worse, in a tower in the middle of a dark forest, a wizard with grand, sinister plans needs a real army, and his sight turns toward the Orcish tribe...
"Orcs: The Curse #1 is a delightful return to a wonderfully chaotic fantasy series, raising the stakes without losing the fun. Read Full Review
While the titular orcs are still front and center throughout The Curse, this first chapter introduces a number of new faces, all of whom fit quite well into this world. Issue #1 also moves at a fantastic pace and tells a story that is relatively self-contained. Read Full Review
Bog and friends are back as an evil wizard confronts them and doesn't get the reaction he expected! Read Full Review
Funny story with amazing artwork