In the thrilling climax of Power Rangers Universe, Dark Specter's corruption threatens to not only destroy the Rangers, but puts the very nature of the Morphin Grid in peril!
To protect the fabric of reality, the teens must find a way to tap into the heart of the Morphin Grid and face their most fearsome foe yet: their mentor, the Morphinaut!
Discover the secrets of the Grid and exciting new Ranger forms as the past and future of the Power Rangers story is revealed!
An outstanding story arc from the beginning to end, a creative masterpiece from a strong creative team. This story is a great addition to the multiverse and a must read for any Rangers fan. Read Full Review
Fans of the franchise will enjoy how many core concepts are woven into the finale, sending out the series on a high note. Read Full Review
Unfortunately, this mini-series does not live up to its premise. The Phantom Ranger is barely a guest star here, and the story wraps up far too quickly to leave a satisfying taste in my mouth. Read Full Review