Strange Fruit #3

Writer: J. G. Jones, Mark Waid Artist: J. G. Jones Publisher: Boom! Studios Release Date: April 27, 2016 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 2
6.1Critic Rating
6.5User Rating

The townspeople of Chatterlee make every effort to conscript the stranger to help with the fast-failing levee-but the growing racial divide in town makes choosing sides virtually impossible even as the clock ticks towards disaster.

  • 8.5
    Flickering Myth - Zeb Larson Apr 27, 2016

    Seeing as how we're so close to the end, I can't help but speculate as to how all of this will end. I can't imagine any kind of happy ending, at least not for the whole town. Such a conclusion would be difficult to pull off, especially in light of how it actually played out, and might come across as atonal. Then again, with the Klansmen still out to get the visitor, I can't imagine this will end with him just patching up the levee and giving a friendly wave to the state of Mississippi. The African-American preacher referred to the visitor as a sign and visitor from God. If that's the case, Pickens and many others had best hope that God is not just. Read Full Review

  • 3.6
    Comic Crusaders - Dawn of Comics Apr 27, 2016

    I don't want a lecture on the past, I just want to escape the real world for 20 mins and read a comic that takes me away to somewhere And this book made me depressed. If it wasn't for the stunning artwork I might have stopped reading. Read Full Review

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