Alabaster: The Good, The Bad, and The Bird #1

Writer: Caitln R. Kiernan Artist: Daniel Warren Johnson Publisher: Dark Horse Comics Release Date: December 9, 2015 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 12
8.1Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

A new evil haunts the sun-scorched back roads and ghost towns of the American South—murderous twins who command a legion of ghouls. Once again, Dancy Flammarion must face down demons: both those who walk the world unchallenged and those in her own shattered mind.

  • 10
    ComicWow!TV - Bhavna Bakshi Dec 10, 2015

    This is a very artistic issue, in terms of both illustrating and writing. The whole Alabaster series is a good one, but you don’t need to have read it all to enjoy this miniseries. Kiernan definitely knows what she’s doing, and she creates an amazingly intriguing story for us to follow. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Graphic Policy - christopher scott author Nov 26, 2015

    The cover done by Greg Ruth is an oddly,captivating masterpiece that only underpins the complexity of the story that lies contained beneath it. Even the artwork contained inside done by Daniel Warren Johnson continues the odd mystery of the main character. In contrast to the extreme amount of white that is where her soul is contained, the world of living is much more colorful. That gives the world the silent breath of life, and causes it to feel almost real. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Graphic Policy - pharoahmiles Nov 22, 2015

    Overall, an interesting story, as the reader is definitely dropped into the aftermath of Grimmer Tales, which maybe a little raucous for the novice reader, who as not picked up the series until now, but definitely the reader is quickly caught up. The story by Caitlin Kiernan is engrossing and disturbing at the same time, reminding me so much of the Killing Joke. The art by Daniel Warren Johnson is abstract and iridescent, taking full advantage of the broad strokes that separates the twofold narratives that are in play. Altogether, an interesting story that although is spooky, will make the reader yearning to come back to see how this one unfolds. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Newsarama - Justin Partridge, III Nov 17, 2015

    While readers familiar with this world and character will get the most out of this debut, Alabaster: The Good, The Bad, and The Bird #1 is a book tailor made for fans of books like the Anita Blake series or old school Vertigo Comics fare. Writer Caitlin R. Kierman walks a fine line between new issue and latest installment, delivering a debut issue that gives new readers just enough to come back for more, while surely pleasing long time Alabaster fan. Combine that with the vibrantly two-toned visuals from Daniel Warren Johnson and Carlos Badilla and you have a debut issue that is sure to get people talking. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    AIPT - Kyle Welch Nov 16, 2015

    Alabaster: The Good, The Bad and The Bird juggles a dual narrative that could be difficult for new readers, but it clearly builds upon open previous plot lines and does a nice job on wrapping in new interesting antagonists. As a new reader it was clear some things were beyond my grasp but once I understood that, The Good, The Bad, and The Bird was an enjoyable read that I found myself actively engaged in. The look and tone of the book can carry the sometimes inclusive nature of the story for new readers. It always feels decisive in the choices it makes, which may allow patient new readers to trust in Kiernan's storytelling ability. Johnson shines with some wonderful scenes and an ability to provide extra grit and tension to the issue. Anyone willing to take a chance with a little bit of patience my find themselves a new pull for their list. I can't vouch for returning fans but there's way more good than bad (or birds for that matter. I counted two vultures for the record). Read Full Review

  • 8.5 - Harrison Rawdin Dec 9, 2015

    Alabaster: The Good, the Bad, and the Bird #1 is a gripping start that's ready to earn a spot on your pull-list. Whether you've heard of the franchise before or not the time is now to take a chance on it because with this creative team at its back you won't regret it. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    ComicBuzz - Alex Sousa Dec 9, 2015

    Alabaster returned in The Good, The Bad, and The Bird with the series signature brand of dark fantasy, but lacks some of the charm from previous entries. However, though the issue is bereft of much action, Kiernans work, in tandem with Johnson and Badilla, is enough to garner trust in where the miniseries is going and readers should find plenty of payoff in later issues. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Project-Nerd - Erica Nov 26, 2015

    Alabaster: The Good, the Bad, and the Bird has clearly created more questions than it has answered, but they are questions I would like to see answered. For that reason, I will continue my journey with this series. As repeated throughout the comic,"This isn't the way the story ends." Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Crusaders - Dawn of Comics Nov 13, 2015

    This book is chillingly sad, the idea of hell inside is one of the scariest I've seen. Fire and brimstone has nothing on the nothingness Dancy faces. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Needless Essentials Online - Stan Ford Nov 12, 2015

    Comparisons will be made to Southern Bastards, and it shouldn't be, because the story of Southern Bastards is so rooted in reality that a story that adds so heavy a supernatural tone can't be an honest comparison. On its own merits Alabaster: The Good, The Bad, and The Bird feels like it needs another issue's worth of pages to firmly set the stage in a way that it can bejudged for what it actually is. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Big Comic Page - Rebecca Booth Dec 8, 2015

    Ultimately, this introduction to the new mini-series provides more questions than it answers, but in doing so the reader is drawn back into Dancys world and is left wanting more. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Bastards - Asa Giannini Nov 23, 2015

    One major exception, where the art and script play off each other well, is the depiction of Hell itself. Johnson cleverly renders the main character as a black silhouette with a night sky pattern against a pure white background emphasizing Dancy's extreme isolation. As the main character wanders the void, her body language perfectly shows her mental state while within her outline the swirling mass of stars constantly reminds us of the supernatural nature of her predicament. These sequences are beautiful and unique, demonstrating the potential Alabaster has to be a wonderful piece of original fantasy fiction. Sadly, the rest of the book is not quite there yet. Even so, I am very excited to see where it goes. Read Full Review

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