Anthem #1

Writer: Alexander Freed, Mac Walters Artist: Eduardo Francisco Publisher: Dark Horse Comics Release Date: February 20, 2019 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 6
7.0Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

When Kismet's family is ambushed while traveling between settlements, the young boy is rescued by one of the exosuit-clad warriors known as Freelancers. Now an orphan, it's up to him, and his adoptive sister Jani, to build a future for themselves-and humanity-on a planet filled with danger.

  • 8.0 - Tanner Dedmon Feb 20, 2019

    Two young adults wanting to leave town and see the world is a path that's been trodden many times, but Kismet and Jani are characters compelling enough to draw readers back in for another go. Read Full Review

  • 7.8
    Geeked Out Nation - Jideobi Odunze Feb 20, 2019

    For the sake of collector's value, that is probably the best way that I could recommend picking up Anthem #1. They probably could have chosen a story that better eased you into the story that would begin February 22nd. That might change with the second issue, but this is what we have right now. This might actually be one of those books where you will have to read it twice once you actually play the game to better appreciate what unfolds within these pages. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Comicsverse - Jhoan Suriel Feb 20, 2019

    Although the story is fairly lackluster and slows down significantly after the fast-paced introductory pages, Kismet and Jani's relationship is the real star of ANTHEM #1. Walters and Freed craft a believable dynamic between the siblings and the diversity is wonderful. However, readers who played ANTHEM and want more of the world will get a kick out of it. Otherwise, as a standalone series, it's hard to recommend. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Crusaders - Gwen Dylan Stacy Feb 20, 2019

    Although this title is something outside of my wheelhouse given that I hadn't played the game itself, if you're a fan I always suggest delving into the back history of some of the worlds that you might actively play as a part of. I'll give Anthem's first issue a 3.5 out of 5 stars for the beautiful prose, the elegant action panels that surround you, wrap you up in a world far different from the ones we're part of, and the beautiful bold colors that fill its interiors and make your eyes wish for more. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Sequential Planet - Marcus Orchard Feb 16, 2019

    Comic Review: Anthem #1 0BY MARCUS ORCHARD ONFEBRUARY 16, 2019 COMIC BOOK REVIEWS, COMIC BOOKSAnthem #1Dark Horse ComicsWriter: Mac Walters & Alexander FreedArtists: Eduardo Francisco & Michael AtiyehAnthem is an upcoming video game by Bioware that is set to be the next big online multiplayer experience. In Anthem, Freelancers (The players) explore wildlands in high-tech exosuits in an effort to protect Fort Tarsis, their home. The game emphasizes cooperative play with various shooter RPG mechanics.Anthem #1 serves as a prequel to the video game, providing quite a bit of backstory for those who are interested in playing the game. The story focuses on a Freelancer who rescues a boy being ambushed in the wilds. The boy gets adopted by a family in the fort and grows close with Jani, his adoptive sister. The remainder of the issue watches the two grow as they find their way in the dangerous world they live in.Writers Mac Walter and Alexander Freed do a fine job at establishing the setting Read Full Review

  • 5.9
    Multiversity Comics - Rowan Grover Feb 21, 2019

    "Anthem" #1 is a solid sci-fi debut that will appeal to fans of the upcoming game, but feels directionless and overstuffed as an individual story. Read Full Review

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