Chimichanga: Sorrow of the World's Worst Face #1

Writer: Eric Powell Artist: Stephanie Buscema Publisher: Dark Horse Comics Release Date: October 12, 2016 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 6
6.8Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

Wrinkle's Traveling Circus's most adorable bearded girl and her savory-named beast are back, and there is a new act in store! Come one, come all to the Sorrow of the World's Worst Face! But beware: those who look behind the curtain are in for an awful treat, and it's not just his face we're talkin' about!

  • 9.0
    AIPT - Lisa Allison Oct 11, 2016

    Chimichanga: Sorrow of the World's Worst Face #1 is light-hearted and magical story that reminds us of how for better or worse, we are all human. Readers will be swept up easily in the whimsy and delight in Lula and Chimi's adventures. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Big Comic Page - Kieran Fisher Oct 13, 2016

    Overall, Chimichanga: The Sorrow of the Worlds Worst Face is highly recommended and an alternative from all the cool, dark violent comics we all love. Its innocent entertainment that will at least put a smile on your face if you still see the good in humanity. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    ComicWow!TV - Huck Talwar Oct 13, 2016

    Powell and Buscema make an excellent creative team. The humor and horror are perfectly balanced, and it reads really well. If you've read The Goon and like that style of writing, you're going to love this miniseries. Dark Horse has been putting out some really interesting books lately, and this is no exception, so head to your local comic book shop and give it a read! Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Multiversity Comics - Matthew Garcia Oct 17, 2016

    Buscema and Powell's exuberance with the material is infectious. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Crusaders - Robert Anderegg Sep 22, 2016

    So, to summarize, I liked this story by Eric Powell overall, with its unusual circus folk and creepy fun artwork, but Lula was just too much to handle. Had she been cuter in some way or more likeable, this would've been a great comic. Chimichanga was a highlight for me, despite being just a repulsive as everything else. If Lula climbed into his belly and just stayed there indefinitely, I'd be happy. Read Full Review

  • 2.0
    Comic Bastards - Justin Wood Oct 5, 2016

    What you get in Chimichanga is so startlingly basic and formulaic, so guilelessly devoid of originality that it felt like it could have only sprung from earnest untested youth, anxious to entertain but lacking basic tools to be creative. This comic was joyless to read despite leaning so completely on the idea that it was being fun, like a child trying to get you to watch it dance in a busy supermarket. Read Full Review

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