Colder #1
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Colder #1

Writer: Paul Tobin Artist: Juan Ferreyra Publisher: Dark Horse Comics Release Date: November 7, 2012 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 14 User Reviews: 3
8.2Critic Rating
7.8User Rating

Declan Thomas’s body temperature is dropping. He never gets sick, never feels pain. An ex-inmate of an insane asylum that was destroyed in a fire, he has the strange ability to step inside a person’s madness and sometimes cure it. He hopes to one day cure his own, but time is running out, because when his temperature reaches zero . . . it’s over.

  • 9.6
    Midnight Logic - Atlee Greene Nov 12, 2012

    Dark Horse has a sure fire winner on its hands the first installment of this psychological thriller has all the makings of an instant classic. This was ridiculously close to being my pick of the week. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    The Fandom Post - John Rose Nov 7, 2012

    For its debut Colder brings a powerful punch as it looks to establish an otherworldly feel to the realm of the human psyche as it sets up what appears to be a battle between two individuals fighting for their own survival in their own way. With its powerful visuals and striking moments the comic manages to make the kind of impression that most titles can only dream of as it makes an incredible setup that, if it pays off, may set it up to be one of the more special titles of the year. While the first issue leaves a bit hanging in the middle it still is a title that should make anyone even remotely intrigued by its premise happy that they grabbed it off their local comic book stores rack as its innovative concept and bizarre antagonist look like they will provide for quite a road of entertainment to be explored in the future. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Geeks Unleashed - Jo Lewis Nov 8, 2012

    Colder is another fantastic addition to the horror comics genre " you'll want to add this one to your pull list at your local store. This issue left me anything but cold. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Read Comic Books - Tommy Lutz Nov 6, 2012

    Colder is a fantastic gruesome comic that just keeps drawing you in further and further. I'm a big fan of horror and thriller comics, so this one was right up my alley. The plot is wonderful, the characters are interesting, the art is amazing, and the final page cliff has been hung upon. A great breakout #1 that will make you think the whole way through. Read Full Review

  • 8.8
    IGN - Benjamin Bailey Nov 7, 2012

    The writing is solid, but it's the art that will grab most people. Ferreyra gives an unholy energy to the page. Nimble Jack seems to just float; he's captivating. Whatever sort of horrors he has in store, you'll want to see, because Ferreyra makes everything look so damn good. And seriously, guys, did you see his cover? The dude can draw and this book is a testament to that fact. Colder is a book worth reading and the kind of book that Dark Horse should be doing a lot more of. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Comic Addicts - Akshay Dhar Nov 16, 2012

    Tobin crafts a great tale here. It's absorbing, intriguing and gives the impression of being the start of a twisted but great story. Having read the solicit though, I was annoyed at the slow pace " though this first issue reads so well that it's hard to really complain. I'm new to Juan Ferreyra's art, but he does an excellent job with his characters, there is a very "real" sense to everything and the fine details like he shows on the creepy villain character really add a nice feel to the whole thing. I look forward to much more from him. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Comic Book Bin - Diego Chi Nov 30, 2012

    Without much from the leading man, Declan, it is hard to determine the direction Tobin plans on taking the series-- a small stumbling block that could turn readers away. Nonetheless, the issue stands tall on its own. Being left with more questions than answers only makes me look forward to the second installment. Colder #1 is a strong series opener with strong supporting cast and wonderfully creepy art. A job well done. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Resources - Jennifer Cheng Nov 7, 2012

    In this debut, Tobin and Ferreyra have established conflict and cast and stirred up curiosity about a supernatural mystery. I have no idea where Tobin and Ferreyra are going with "Colder," but I intend to find out. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Bastards - Ed Allen Nov 7, 2012

    Overall this is a solid first issue and I’d happily recommending it to anyone who’s looking out for a new horror comic to follow. While it’s unlikely to give long-time comic readers or veterans of the horror genre something they have never seen before, it is the level of craftsmanship that’s gone into producing Colder #1 that makes it stand out from the rest. Tobin’s script successfully establishes the core cast and sets us up for the conflicts to come while Ferreyra’s superb artwork imbues Tobin’s characters with distinct personalities of their own and enables this comic to pack a powerful punch. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    J.DubComics - J.DubComics Nov 11, 2012

    This issue was great and I really recommend it. However, the two weak points I picked out above are going to lower the score a little. It is annoying because these are faults that I believe could have been avoided. Regardless, I am very excited for the next issue, and I am also hoping for another kick ass cover! Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Multiversity Comics - Walt Richardson Nov 8, 2012

    Don't get me wrong, though — “Colder” is off to a very solid start, presenting a comic that stands out as something truly unique. Paul Tobin has seemingly come up with a story unlike anything he, or many other people, has written yet, and while this first issue has that typical first issue problem of a lack of direction for said interesting story… well, it's a typical first issue problem. Even if the next issue is still a bit shaky, though, at least we'll have more of the excellence that is Jaun Ferreyra. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics: The Gathering - lucstclair Nov 6, 2012

    Now this might be a little premature considering this was just the first issue and all, but if you’re a horror fanatic like me and you’d like something new & fresh then by all means dig in, you won’t regret it. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Bloody Disgusting - Jorge Solis Nov 8, 2012

    The opening pages start out with a bang. When the mental institution is being burnt down, Ferreyra depicts the chaos as the nurses are running around and screaming for their lives. In the midst of the destruction, some of the mental patients are actually enjoying the fire. In the second half of the story, Tobin has to go through a lot of exposition. Through medium and wide shots, Ferreyra keeps the panels engaging as the police officer and Declan's nurse are having a regular conversation. Always active, these characters are constantly moving around in a single location. It is quite impressive how Ferreyra can make these day-to-day situations look interesting, even though there is no scare or action taking place. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Newsarama - Pierce Lydon Nov 5, 2012

    For readers with a penchant for mystery and horror, this might be one to sink your teeth into but the interiors don't deliver on the creepiness promised on the cover. It's the first issue and the pacing is slow but the art is good enough to keep it afloat. Time will tell if pacing will freeze Colder in its tracks, but for now it has a vague premise with an intriguing amount of potential. Read Full Review

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