In a desperate bid to repair their ship and outrun the Riveteers, the crew of the Sundog discover unexpected allies-and realize their sacrifices may not have been in vain after all.
Grix and the crew of the Sundog are running out of places to hide. Read Full Review
Invisible Kingdom has always been a strong sci-fi offering, but it's now ascended to a new level as a beautiful, poignant saga. Read Full Review
Invisible Kingdom #10 is a beautifully painted finish examining and celebrating rebirth in a multitude of forms including one particularly beautiful queer one. Read Full Review
Science fiction; religion; social drama; unrequited love; Invisible Kingdom has it all. A superb ending to the second arc with the promise of so much still to come. Read Full Review
Invisible Kingdom brings its opening storyline to a close and teases what's next, which I really hope it can capitalize on. There are a lot of good things about the series conceptually that it hasn't been able to fully realize yet so it's close but not quite there. It excels in the art and provides the right hooks in the story to draw in people so it knows it's got all the right elements. This one does seem to bring to a close, for now, a couple of problematic areas that I hope aren't going to be repeated in the next once since repetition was already feeling like too much of a theme in these ten issues. I'm cautiously optimistic about how the book will play out when it returns but I'll definitely be there. Read Full Review