Kiss Me, Satan #2

Writer: Victor Gischler Artist: Juan Ferreyra Publisher: Dark Horse Comics Release Date: October 23, 2013 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 7 User Reviews: 1
7.1Critic Rating
9.0User Rating

After an attack from a vampire maid, Barnabus Black and the witches flee their hiding spot in a cheap Big Easy motel. Barnabus says he knows a safe place, and as they cross the historic Garden District Cemetery, zombies erupt from their graves and attack the group. A new hit man arrives who is known as THE BONE WRANGLER, and his power is control of the undead.  

  • 9.5
    Geeked Out Nation - Philip Suson Oct 24, 2013

    Kiss Me, Satan is a comic miniseries that is distributed by Dark Horse Comics. This issue is out now at your local comic book shop as well as distributed digitally. You can check out Kiss Me, Satan #3 will be out November 20, 2013. Do you agree with this critique? Comment your thoughts below as we like to hear from you. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    All-Comic - Joey Caswell Oct 23, 2013

    Kiss Me, Satan is a great horror book laced with humor, dark and otherwise. The dialogue is excellent and makes the story even more fun than it could have been. Even so, the plot is developing at a good pace for a limited mini-series, and there are some really interesting mysteries yet to be concluded. However, the artwork is sure to shock fans of any genre; this is simply very high quality work in every respect. While there are a number of really good horror books from Dark Horse, this one is presented in a way that makes it feel different from the others. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Bloody Disgusting - ShadowJayd Oct 25, 2013

    Gischler isnt particularly forthcoming about certain unanswered questions that were raised in both installments, but he appears to be in his element when writing on the themes of a subculture of individuals living outside of normal (human) society. Ferreyras work is as consistently good as its always been. With assisted colours from Eduardo Ferreyra, the two keep the tone of the issue dark, mysterious, and perfectly suited for Gischlers world. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Front Towards Gamer - FTG Contributor Oct 22, 2013

    But those few slip-ups aside Kiss Me Satan is very good, the plot flows at a solid pace with lots of action and intrigue though not much development but this really isn't the issue for that either. This is the issue concerned with accelerating our characters towards a major climax and it does that really well and despite what I said earlier there are some points where the artwork is extremely well done with a unique style that avoids just aping classic horror approaches or the like. There's really not much else for me to delve into on Kiss Me Satan, it's a well written and enjoyable little romp through horror action all coated under a delightful ooze of low budget video rental action junk and sleazy high-octane exploitation goodness. Kiss Me Satan comes recommended. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    Entertainment Fuse - Nicole D'Andria Nov 23, 2013

    If you're looking for a complex, multi-layered story, this is not the comic for you. But if zombie ninjas sound cool and you have a couple of extra bucks to spend on some great artwork, this could be the comic for you. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Bastards - Adam Kelly Oct 23, 2013

    I like the art quite a bit too, it's definitely above-average. I liked the action sequences in this issue a lot more than the last and the blood and gore was disgustingly detailed. If you don't take this comic too seriously and don't worry about the amount of clichs it adopts, you'll probably find yourself enjoying it like I did. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Unleash The Fanboy - Max Delgado Oct 22, 2013

    Here's the good part: Kiss Me, Satan #2 is a quick, fun read — the narrative arc is tight as a drum. The bad part? Most of the characters are so one-dimensional that readers might not care. Read Full Review

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