Prometheus: Life and Death #3

Event\Storyline: Life and Death Writer: Dan Abnett Artist: Andrea Mutti Publisher: Dark Horse Comics Release Date: August 10, 2016 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 8 User Reviews: 2
7.2Critic Rating
7.8User Rating

The Colonial Marines join forces with the survivors of the Fire and Stone story cycle and make a fateful decision to steal the Engineer's ship. But a second Engineer has awakened, and he's on the hunt for humans!

  • 9.0
    Hulking Reviewer - Dave Gogel Aug 9, 2016

    Prometheus: Life and Death #3 is yet another solid issue, as the Life and Death story arc continues to hatch. The pieces of Predator and Prometheus interact in a fluid manner with no confusion. Dark Horse has already improved over Fire and Stone series, which was a bit too ambitious for it's own good. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Graphic Policy - christopher scott author Sep 5, 2016

    Like previous issues, the art by Andrea Mutti is gritty and also very polished. Mutti manages to showcase a bleak optimism in a world filled with what feels like an allegorical racial tension between humanity, Predators, Xenomorphs, and the Prometheus Engineer race. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Comic Crusaders - Lead Sharp Aug 10, 2016

    It's the kind of comic that makes you think the film was based on it not the other way around. Read Full Review

  • 8.3
    Geeked Out Nation - Jideobi Odunze Aug 10, 2016

    Prometheus: Life And Death #3 made some progress and got through much of the development that we needed to get through in order to move towards an escalation. They may not have acted on the decision they made, but it is one that leaves you anticipating the next issue for anything and everything that could or would go wrong with their plan of survival. Because it is either hide or make a final stand. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Aug 10, 2016

    This installment of the Prometheus arc of Life and Death is about some stage setting and getting the right pieces into place. When you look at this as part of a seventeen part story that comes after the same amount from the Fire and Stone cycle, there's a lot to like about it as it's building and weaving some interesting things. And sometimes you have to take the time to just stop and connect the characters and their stories as Abnett and Mutti do here. I like these particular survivors so far and I like that we get to see a bit of what's going on with those that have fallen on the way on this world just to remind us that there have been losses. It'll be interesting to see how it works with Ahab in the mix with the new arrivals as we've definitely got some balance and understanding with Galgo and his group and that's something that comes with time. I'm definitely excited to see where this cycle is going to go – and already hoping there's another coming after it. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    We The Nerdy - Chad Waller Aug 9, 2016

    P:LaD #3 brings back my favorite bits of Fire and Stone and keeps on chugging forward. Im really excited to see where this goes, because damn, theres a lot left in this story. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Big Comic Page - Craig Neilson-Adams Aug 9, 2016

    Overall then, this feels very much like a filler issue where the plot developments, such as they are, could easily be obtained by the reader simply glancing at the front cover. Theres also an unmistakable feeling that weve seen everything here before, and with the inclusion of the Fire and Stone characters only serving to highlight just how much more exciting and dynamic the previous shared universe event was, Im sure Im not along in saying that its about time Life and Death finally shook itself out of the doldrums and actually started living up to its incredible potential. Read Full Review

  • 2.0
    SciFiPulse - Patrick Hayes Aug 15, 2016

    This is a rare Dark Horse Comics misfire, with the story and the visuals not being outstanding. It's impossible not to consider this issue, and this series, vastly inferior to the work done on last year's Fire and Stone books. All involved with this book have done much, much better in other works. I'm continuing to follow this series because I love the franchise and I'm curious about what the Engineer is up to, but this series is making it difficult to continue my love. Read Full Review

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