Celebrity superhero Booster Gold continues to sell out, in terms of corporate sponsorship and far more unethical examples. Meanwhile, Green Lanterns Hal Jordan and John Stewart confront Black Adam about his new, violent policies!
Mr. Wanty: Would it surprise you to hear that I want more Great Ten? It so damn fun to say their names! August General in Iron! I also want to know what a real Chinese reader thinks of these heroes and if they feel like they reflect reality in any way shape or form. What say you, our Chinese brothers? Do Immortal-Man-in-Darkness and Thundermind represent your ideals? Inquiring fanboys want to know! Read Full Review
52 #6 was a very good read. Great writing plus solid artwork makes for an enjoyable comic book. I am not shy about blasting DC when I think they have screwed up. So, I believe when DC does something right then I should praise them just as strongly as I blast them. DC is doing a wonderful job with 52. This is a captivating, complex, entertaining and well paced storyline. If you haven't checked out 52 yet then I highly urge you to give it a try. Read Full Review