52 #5

Writer: Geoff Johns, Grant Morrison, Greg Rucka, Mark Waid, Dan Jurgens Artist: Keith Giffen Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: June 7, 2006 Critic Reviews: 4 User Reviews: 10
7.8Critic Rating
7.5User Rating

Heroes missing in space return, but in a condition that threatens their very lives. What's left of the superhero community attempts to help these comrades, while mourning those who didn't make it back--but are they gone or just lost? Find out in Week 5 of the INFINITE CRISIS aftermath series!

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Revolution - Rokk Krinn Jun 8, 2006

    52 #5 was a great issue! It had all the ingredients of a good comic book. Good pacing, dialogue and weaved several interesting storylines and inserted a couple of hooks to get the reader to immediately want to read the next issue. In my opinion, 52 has been a big success. For me, 52 is delivering what was promised which is more than can be said for Infinite Crisis. I am enjoying 52 and I encourage anyone to give this title a try. It is worth the money. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - John Hays Jun 9, 2006

    All of these questions and many more are sure to be addressed in future installments of 52! Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jim Beard Jun 8, 2006

    Mr. Wanty: Okay, I want more of this weeks storyline. I want an entire mini-series devoted to it. I want to know whos dead, whos rescued, whos lost, whos a she and whos a he. Also, who is now two? I also want someone to kick Booster Golds ass for being mean to Skeets. Bastard. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - Nicholas Slayton Jun 12, 2006

    Final Thoughts: "It's coming! 52! 52!" For the most part, this was a great departure from the main storylines of DC's missing years. A great hospital drama is one of the few things comics lack, and this made up for that. The art may be a bit off, but for those looking for an exciting book with litle touches of a mystery, pick this up! Read Full Review

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