Action Comics #900

Writer: Paul Cornell Artist: Pete Woods Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: April 27, 2011 Cover Price: $5.99 Critic Reviews: 12 User Reviews: 1
7.3Critic Rating
7.0User Rating

Superman returns to ACTION COMICS just in time for the title's historic 900th issue, which clocks in at 100 pages! Everything Paul Cornell and Pete Woods have been building to over the last year culminates here in the ultimate Superman vs. Lex Luthor battle! But that's not all - this story will lay the grounds for an insanely epic story coming out this summer in the pages of ACTION!Plus, an incredible roster of guest talent help us celebrate this landmark issue, including the screenwriter of The Dark Knight, David Goyer; famed Superman: The Movie director Richard Donner; the co-creator of Lost, Damon Lindelof; and the creative team behind the more

  • 8.4
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Minhquan NguyenShare this: Apr 27, 2011

    With such a huge amount of content, you're bound to get some major highs and lows, but I can safely say the highs in this issue more than make up for the lows"to a limit. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Apr 26, 2011

    I've been a big Superman fan for the past twenty-five years since he was rebooted and it's a love that will never die. Contrary to the way many comic fans seem to feel, I don't find this character to be too powerful, to disconnected from people or too bland to be interesting to read. He's the eternal boy scout in the eyes of many, but it's not been so clear cut for many years now and these shades of gray that have entered have been fun. Between the supporting cast that always grows and the core characters themselves which have evolved well over the years, Superman is a character that still resonates for me. I liked the main story here pretty well and it makes me wish I had seen some of the previous issues rather than jumping in with this one. But it was very easy to get into it, very accessible, and it had a number of good, if short, supplemental stories that adds to the overall Superman mythos by people who have a real love of it. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Major Spoilers - Matthew Peterson Apr 28, 2011

    I am frankly overwhelmed by the amount of stuff going on in this issue, which is both a good thing and a bad thing. It's good in that the amount of story content for the dollar is very strong, but not so much with the good that it's hard to remember the first story once you've gotten to the end. I've read the issue three times through and I'm still finding things that I missed in prior readings. I am thankful that we have very little "Superman as Jesus" going on, a metaphor that has officially worn out it's welcome in my corner of Stately Spoilers Manor, and a couple of points in the issue (Superman arriving at a demonstration and standing silently in solidarity, the hero of a lost race commisserating with the Man of Steel about their status as outsider and protector) are quite unique and excellent. It's a shame that DC chose not one, not two but THREE spectacularly unappealing covers, with David Finch's striking me as particularly misbegotten to look at. Overall, though, you take the Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Supergirl Comic Box Commentary - Anj May 3, 2011

    But the way we get to that Lex/Clark exploration ... the Zone Child revelation, the way that entity interacted with our reality, ascended, gets possessed by Lex, changes the powers of Lex emitting a wave of bliss, and then makes Luthor lose those powers ... seemed just a bit too fuzzy for this to work neatly. I know I need to sometimes just roll with comic book craziness and I often can do that. It's just that the earlier issues in this Cornell run were so tight that this just felt out of place. I am sad to see Pete Woods leave the Superman team. His art is just so beautiful. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jamil Scalese May 1, 2011

    There have been more issues of Action Comics than any other superhero series ever, and this issue is its commemoration. Thus, its an obvious must-own for any-and-all Superman aficionados, but the series is still a coin-flip for casual fans like me. Still though, I can foresee #901 making it onto my pile in a month. I think my budget can handle it. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Chris Kiser May 1, 2011

    Its just a shame that those re-readings will also include so many scenes involving Supermans friends fighting Doomsday. Without that nasty piece of subtraction by addition, this could have been unquestioningly one of the greatest of Actions 900 issues. As it is, its still probably better than at least 800 of them. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    ComicList - Brandon Borzelli May 2, 2011

    Overall this was a good book. I did miss that Dan Jurgens wasn't involved in some capacity and that the book lacks a satisfactory amount of Lois Lane content. I hated the six dollar price point, but ultimately, I got what I was looking for about of the issue and then some. If you do pick up the issue solely on the story where he leaves his US citizenship behind then I hope you read the rest of the issue because it is a good look at the character, and that particularly story may be the worst of the bunch. Basically you get a great book with only a couple of mediocre stories in the lot. I definitely recommend picking this issue up. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Resources - Greg McElhatton Apr 27, 2011

    Like so many anniversary issues, "Action Comics" #900 is a mixed bag. Cornell and Woods together provide the best material, while Doomsday drags the comic down, and the other contributions hover at various points in the middle. It's not a bad way to celebrate the anniversary, but with a little more of just the strong material, it could have gone from a good comic to a great comic. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    cxPulp - Walt Kneeland Apr 29, 2011

    Generally recommended, given all that. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    IGN - Apr 26, 2011

    There are some quality Superman stories to be had in Action Comics #900. It's a shame that the finale to "The Black Ring" isn't one of them. And it's very hard to recommend a $6 comic on the merits of the supplemental content alone. Rather than causing me to celebrate the anniversary of a cultural icon, issue #900 leaves me worried that the boost in quality Action Comics has enjoyed ever since Blackest Night ended is now disappearing. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Thom Young May 1, 2011

    Additionally, now that DC has returned to the original series numbering for their resurrected Adventure Comics, I suppose that series can be considered (technically) DCs oldest series that is currently being published, as its first issue came out about 16 months before Detective Comics #1. Of course, there was a 26-year gap in the publication of Adventure Comics, so it fails to meet the criteria of being continuously published. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Eye On Comics - Don MacPherson May 15, 2011

    David Goyer's story in which Superman renounces his U.S. citizenship is much ado about nothing; the character isn't turning his back on the States but instead dedicates himself to the entire planet. The story itself is oversimplified and overwrought; it's a good think it was a short story and not a full issue of the series. The storyboarded Richard Donner screenplay was quite disappointing. Not only is the plot uninspired, the decision to use rough storyboards instead of reinterpreting the script as a comic-book story was a misstep. The Geoff Johns/Gary Frank Legion story is a fun concept, but unfortunately, they don't really see it all of the way through. The strength my friend told me about is Damon Lindelof's small contribution to the Superman mythos. It's incredibly effective and engrossing, and it's thanks to the misdirection in the piece. Ryan Sook's rich, textured artwork is absolutely lovely as well. Read Full Review

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